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I can't say that I've fully recovered from my broken heart but one thing that I am sure of is that, I'm recovering. Gradually.

Chase had never called me eversince that grocery store incident. I mean, why would he? I bet he's busy with his girlfriend right now to even think of me.

Girlfriend. The mere mention of the word made my heart ache.

* * *

I was walking down the village park when I caught a glimpse of Coffeemate. The place where Chase and I first met.

The memories of the times that we spent together came haunting me. But what confused me the most was that how come Chase never mentioned the girl to me. He was always there whenever I feel sad and lonely. And the look on his eyes tells me a different story. A story that says he's inlove with me.

'You weren't able to distinguish the plan Charles had for you before the break-up. So what makes Chase an exception to every boy's deception?'

A small part of my brain voiced out.


Maybe Chase was just used to girls falling on his feet that's why it's easy for him to play with my feelings.

This made the anger inside me rise. I was true with my feelings for him while he was just playing around. Douchebag!

A vibration from my pocket pulled me out from my thoughts. I grabbed my phone to see who it was.


Suddenly, I felt my heart skipped a beat. After all these times, he has still that effect on me.

I decided to ignore it. Why would he bother calling me now? Why not yesterday? Why not the day after the incident? Ah.. Maybe his girlfriend's away or something.

Ignore it Kylie. You're better than just a rebound.

A text came that said,

"Are you mad at me? -C"

The nerve of this guy to ask if I'm mad at him!

I typed a reply saying,


I was about to press send when he called and instead of pressing the send button, I pressed answer.

I held the phone against my ear when he said,

"Are you mad at me?" he sounded depressed.

"No. Why would I?" I said, faking cheerfulness.

"I don't know. I just felt like you're avoiding me."

"You're crazy. I was just busy."

"Oh." he sounded disappointed. "You wanna go joyriding?"

"I have plans with Jen. I'm sorry."

He looked surprise at my response. I never declined on any of his invitations.

"Oh. Okay." he sounded sad.

"Yeah. Hey, listen. I gotta go. Bye."

"Wait, Ky-"

I didn't let him finish what he was about to say cause I already ended the call.

I decided to head home. I'm not in the mood for strolling anymore.

* * *

"Really?! He called you?!"

I decided to call Jen to spend the night in my house because Mom and Dad are spending some time alone with each other. They said about 'rekindling the fire' or whatever.

I was slumped on my bed while Jen is on the other side brushing her hair.


"Yeah? And what did he say?"

"He asked if I was mad at him and I said no."

"What else did he say?"

"He wanted us to go joyriding. I mean, could you believe that?! How could he invite me just like that knowing that he has a freaking girlfriend and he wants to go joyriding with me?! That's bullshit." I said fuming.

"Wait.. Wait.. Something doesn't add up here."

"Don't stress your brains out. The guy's just a flirt. That's all."

"But would a flirt come over to your house at 1:00am in the morning just because you had a bad dream?"

"I don't know. Maybe one of his tactics?"

"I don't think so, Ky."

* * *

What Jen said made me wonder about the possibilities that maybe, just mabe he cares for me.

But a little part of my brain insists on believing that anyone could lie that easily. It's just a matter of practice.

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