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Please try to listen to Forever and Always as you read this chapter. This song brought me to tears. Hehe. Well, that's just me. Enjoy! ;)

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Faith has indeed a funny way of reminding us that all the people and all the things that we have are merely lended gifts to us. They are never ours. We're just given an ultimatum for those things. But what we do with those things depends on us entirely.

I have always believed that boys have the same colors, the same shades. Not because I despise their race so much but because my fragile heart was once broken by a guy whom I gave all that I have. I gave him the privilige and the power to hold my heart; to take care of it or break it into a thousand pieces. And sad to say, he chose to do the latter.

And so, I chose to create this persona. The girl that was once so innocent and sweet turned into a monster; a heartless monster. I gave myself the reminder that all boys are of the same mold. They bring nothing but troubles and heartaches.

Then, this self-proclaimed, bigheaded, egotistic narcicist came to life in the form of Chase Scott.

This guy is a creep, a weirdo but he changed every perception I have about boys. He cleansed their names in a way I didn't know possible. He picked up the pieces of my broken heart, glued them together and miraculously, made it beat for the first time in a long time.

And after all these times, I gained the courage to take risks, be happy, and fall inlove.. Again.

And I fell inlove with him.

* * *

This is it.

This is the day when I'm going to tell Chase how much he'd changed me and how happy I am to have fallen helplessly inlove with him.

I was sitting inside Coffeemate; the very first place where he introduced himself to me despite every sarcastic replies I threw in his way. This brought a smile to my face.


I ordered my regular; a slice of red velvet cake and a latte. With Chase in the scene, this would look like a de ja vu.

I looked at my watch. He's late. He's 30 minutes late. Chase is never late to any meetings we have. I had this feeling in my gut that something's wrong but I pushed it away, only thinking of happy thoughts.

'Maybe he just got stucked on traffic. Or maybe.. Maybe he just stopped at a flowershop to get me some flowers.. Yeah, maybe that's it.'

The ringing beside me woke me up from my daydream. I almost flipped but then I realized it was just my phone.

'You're getting paranoid, Ky.'

I picked up my phone from the table and saw Chase's smiling face on the caller I.D. I smiled unknowingly. See? Chase won't bail on me like that.

Smiling, I answered on the 4th ring.

"You're late." I said, whining. Jeez. I sound like a lovesick schoolgirl.

"Hello? Is this Chase Scott's friend?"

To say that I was puzzled was an understatement. Who is this guy and what is he doing with Chase's phone?

"Uh.. Yeah? Who is this?"

"This is Will Johnson. I'm a cop."

Oh no.. What did Chase do this time?

"You need to go to this address."

He gave me an address which I wrote recklessly on the table napkin and without a second thought, I drove to it.

* * *

The white building shocked me as I stepped out of my car. What is Chase doing here?

I was about to drive back to Coffeemate thinking that I wrote the wrong address but then an elderly guy with a white robe approched me and asked,

"Are you Kylie James?"

"Yes." I answered, puzzled.

"Follow me."

I followed the guy as he led me through a series of cubicles. I scanned the area and found a few people. Some where crying while others were holding back tears; from pain or from happines, I didn't know.

The bad feeling in my gut had returned and this time, I was truly scared.

We stopped at a cubicle. The doctor pushed the curtains aside and there I saw a body of a guy, covered in blood, as he lay almost lifeless on the hospital bed.


All the air in my body seemed like it had been knocked out for a second. My head couldn't make any sense of what I'm seeing.

I ran to his side and took his hand in mine as he opened his eyes to look at me.

"Ky..." he said lovingly, his breathing slightly labored.

I couldn't dare myself to say a thing. I just looked at him and felt a drop of water on my cheeks, then followed by another one until it all came down like a waterfall and my shoulders started shaking.

"Ky.. Please, don't cry.."

This time, I found my voice.

"Don't cry?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Chase, what the hell are you doing here?! If you think this prank is funny, then for the fucking record, it's not! Stop it Chase! It's not funny anymore!" I shouted at him as the tears continued to fall. I was beginning to act hysterically.

He chuckled. That laugh.

"Shh.." he said as he wiped the tears away from my cheeks.

"Chase.. Please, stop this prank right now. You're scaring the shit out of me!" I said as my tears fell helplessly on the floor.

"I'm sorry, Ky." he looked at me, countless emotions parading on his handsome face; love, regret, longing, sadness..

"Chase.. I'm sorry for being a bitch to you all these times.. I was just.. I was just scared. I was scared Chase. I was scared to fall inlove again. I was scared to trust anyone. But then, you came and lift all those doubts away.I'm not scared, not anymore. Please Chase, don't leave me.." I pleaded as I gripped his hand tight, willing him to stay awake.

"I love you, Chase Scott. Even if you are a self-proclaimed, bigheaded, egotistic narcisist. Even if you annoy me at all times. Even if you always stalk me to a point that it creeps me out. I will still love you. Those lovely picnics, those midnight camping, those countless surprises that you do just to cheer me up. I love you Chase Scott. I am not scared anymore. I am more than willing to show it to you and I am not afraid to admit that I have fallen helplessly, deeply inlove with this self-proclaimed, bigheaded, egotistic narcisist. I love you Chase Scott." I admitted truthfully as the tears continued to fall from my eyes. I know I sound desperate but I don't give a damn! I love this guy and there's nobody stopping me from admitting it to him.

Then, he smiled lovingly and with labored breaths, he looked direcly into my eyes as if we're the only people in this god-forsaken place and said,

"I love you too, Ky. I have always loved you; from the moment I laid my eyes on you, I know if I don't give it a shot, I'll regret it for the rest of my life. And now, I am more than happy to know you. I am more than happy knowing that you love me too. You don't know how you made me the happiest man today, Ky. I love you, forever and always. Please just remember that even if I'm not there, I'll always love you. Forever and always."

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