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Please try to listen to Gone, gone, gone by Phillip Phillips on the first part and Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran on the camping part to feel the story more. Enjoy. ;)

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Five minutes past midnight, I was sleeping soundly deep under covers when a nightmare began forming in my sleep.

I was walking down a corridor- an empty corridor when suddenly, the scenery changed.

From an empty corridor comes what looks like a luxurious hotel. My brain tells me to ignore the door but instincts tell me to open it otherwise. The beating of my heart suddenly began to pound erraticly.

I opened the door slowly, the hinges creaking as I do so. I peeked my head on what looks like a master's bedroom. There was no one inside. I was about to walk away when I heard an unmistakable scream.


I hurriedly went into the bedroom, scanning the surroundings.

Bile rises in my throat as the scene unfolds.

There, on the floor was my dad's limp body lying lifeless with my mom crouched beside him, holding his head in her hands.


I immediately went to her side to console her but as I was closing in, I noticed that my mom was bleeding to death! Oh no..

"Mom? Mom?" I shook her shoulders to make her look at me.

"Kylie? My sweet little Kylie.." mom said breathlessly.

"Mom? Mom! Please don't leave me. Please mom. Please.." I said as I was panicking, looking around to find something that could help her. None.

"Shhhh.. Hush now baby girl. Mom and Dad's just gonna go to a faraway place, okay?"

"No! Mom, Please.. Please.. Don't leave me." I said as my heart starts to break at the thought of them leaving me forever.

"We love you, Kylie. We always will."

And with that last sentence, mom drew her last breath and closed her eyes peacefully.

"Mom! Dad! Nooooo!"

And that's when I realized that I was just dreaming. I got up from bed, my sheets drenched with sweat.

It was just a dream but it felt so real. It scared the shit out of me. I tried to sleep again but my mind always wander back to that stupid dream.

I got up and helped myself  with a glass of water. It was my first time having a nightmare and it's not just a nightmare. It's about my parents.

The hairs on my neck began to rise as I relive that awful dream.

That's when I decided to call Chase.

* * *

I was just about to end the call when he picked up on the final ring.

"Hello?" he sounded sleepy. It seems like I woke him up. Oh god, no.. Way to go, Ky. Perfect fucking timing.

I decided to end the call realizing how stupid I was for calling him in the wee hours of the morning. But then he spoke again,

"Kylie? Are you okay?" he sounded sleepy but the evidence of concern in his voice is so visible, it makes my heart flutter.

"I.. Uh.. Nothing. I'm sorry I woke you up."

I heard some shuffling noise in the background when he answered again,

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