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While writing this chapter, I was listening to A Hundred Years by Five for Fighting. You should listen to it while reading. Enjoy! :)

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A week had passed since Chase and I had that stargazing. That one night when I decided to take risks, fall inlove, and be happy again.

I was feeling extraordinarily happy today without knowing the reason why. I just feel strangely happy.

I was doing the dishes when my phone suddenly buzzed.


My heart skipped a beat by just seeing his name appear on my screen. God! I sounded like a lovesick teenager.

I calmed myself first before answering the call on the 3rd ring.


"Hey, adorable."

"I told you Chase if-"

"Hey.. Hey.. Calm down. I just like calling you adorable not to piss you off but because it's actually true."

I blushed hard at what he said and for the first time, I'm thankful he's not here to see it.

"Hey? Ky? You still there?" he asked obviously concerned.

"I.. Uh.. Yeah. I'm still here."

"Oh. I thought you hung up."

"Why would I do that? By the way, why're you calling?"

"Are you doing something today?"

"Nope. I'm just washing the dishes then I'll watch tv later."

"Seriously Ky? You should do more than just watch tv."

"What? I'm happy with what I do."

"Whatever. Hey, let's go joyriding."

"What? Where?"


"You're crazy."

"But you like me."

"Like that could possibly happen. Keep dreaming pretty boy."

He just laughed on the other line. God! That laugh. It melts my heart.

"So, you good with joyriding?" he asked after.

"Yeah. Meet me at the bookstore in ten."

"No need."

"What? Why?"

"I'm outside."

"What?!" I unexpectedly shouted and hurriedly looked outside our window. And there he is. Gloriously leaning on his motorbike. Could this guy get anymore gorgeous?

"Hey. Relax. I didn't know you missed me that much." he said as I saw his mouth formed into a smirk.

"In your dreams dude. In your dreams."

"Yeah. Now, get ready or I'll get inside and drag you out."

"Woah! Keep your horses up. I'll be out in five."

"Okay. Don't get too pressured dressing up. You're beautiful just the way you are." he said as he winked at my direction.

I just rolled my eyes even though I felt my stomach flip and went upstairs to get ready.

* * *

"I swear to god Chase, if you don't slow down, I'm going to jump off this motorbike!"

This stupid guy has had his speedometer raised to a hundred which scared the shit out of me because it's my first time riding a fucking motorbike!

He just laughed as a response and continued his driving.

That pissed me off so I positioned myself at a jumping position ready to jump anytime.

Chase must've noticed it because he had slowed down miraculously and stopped at the road's shoulder.

He climbed out of his motorbike and looked at me clearly pissed.

"Are you nuts?! You're gonna jump off at that speed?! You're gonna die you idiot! What if you're foot slipped?! Huh?! What if you fell?! What if you fucking fell?!"

He shouted at me. Rage, irritation, and concerned mirrored his face.

I tried to open my mouth for a response but nothing came out. I was overwhelmed by the emotions I saw on Chase's face.

He must've noticed my reaction because the mucles on his face suddenly softened. Then he said softly,

"I'm sorry Ky. I was just pissed. I was afraid for a moment there that you'd actually jump off and hurt yourself because of me. I couldn't bear that thought. I just.. I thought.."

I silenced him by putting my index finger on his lips. It was clear that he didn't intentionally scared the shit out of me. He was just used to driving to that speed.

"Hey.. It's fine. It's my fault. I'm sorry. I know it was stupid of me for thinking of jumping off. I was just scared because it's my first time riding a motorbike and its just.. so fast." I said slightly embarassed.

I noticed as the shock registered on his face.

"What?! It's your first time?! Shit! I'm sorry Ky. I just assumed you've already ridden one. Shit! I'm so sorry." he said without missing a beat, clearly panicking.

"Hey. It's okay. You didn't know. Well, actually, I kind of also thought that you just did that to scare me." I shrugged.

"What? No! I wouldn't do something that stupid just to scare you. I can't even bear the thought of hurting you, let alone scare you."

"It's fine. Come on. Let's get going."

"Are you sure?" he asked worriedly.

"Of course. I trust you."

He looked at me and smiled. That smile that made my heart skip a beat and made the butterflies in my stomach flutter wildly.

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