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Up until now, I still can't remove this stupid smile off my face.

It's been two weeks since our trip to the amusement park but my mind seemed to be stucked on the moment at the ferris wheel.

"We'll take this slow, Ky"

"Eeeeeeehhhhh!" I screamed at my pillow. Damn that guy! Damn you Chase for making me act like a stupid lovesick teenager!

Then the door of my room busted open revealing a very annoyed Jen.

"What's with the face?" I asked curiously.

But he just continued to pace back and forth.

"Stop it! You're making me dizzy!"

"I just can't believe it!" she sounded exasperated.

"What? Why? What happened?!"

My heart starts to hammer in my chest. Please don't let it be Chase.

"That guy! That fucking guy!"



I breath a sigh of relief.

Wait. What? Did I hear it right? Charles? I asked just to make sure.


"Yes. The Charles!"

"What about him?"

"He's here."

The smile on my face instantly vanished and my ace dropped. What the hell?! What does he want now?!

"What is he doing here?" I asked coldly.

Jen came rushing to my side as he held my hand.

"He's here to talk to you."

"That's bullshit, Jen."

"He called me a while ago."

"I don't want to talk to him."

"You have to, Ky. For closure."

"I don't know what I'm capable of doing if I ever see his face again."

"Please, just try Ky."

* * *

And try it is. I'm sitting inside the hut in our village park. Charles called me to talk. I agreed because I indeed needed some closure.


I jumped from my seat when I heard his voice.

The real reason why I don't want to talk to Charles was the fear that I would break down infront of him. The fear that all those feelings would start coming back.

But there was none. Aside from missing him after all theses years, there was nothing more. And that's when I realized that I had completely moved on. There were no more bitter memories. Only the happy ones. And for the first time since I saw Charles, I felt peace.

"Hey, Charlie." I said as I turned around and gave gim a hug.

He looked surprised because I always call him Charlie but after the break up I decided to forget that pet name. He immediately recovered and hugged me back.

"It's been too long." he said as he released me.

"Too long, indeed. Where have you been hiding?" I joked.

He smiled at me and said, "Oh you know, in my castle."

"Whatever." I replied smiling.

"You look great." I smiled at the compliment.

"You're not too bad yourself." I said winking. "What brought the prince here?"

"I was hoping I could get my princess back." he said seriously.

I suddenly felt cornered. But then, he said,

"I was just kidding." and he started laughing.

"You.. You.. You dog! You scared the shit out of me!" I said as I breath a sigh of relief.

"I see that you've already found your prince. I'm happy for you Ky."

"Yeah. Thanks. I hope you found your princess too?"

He smiled and said, "Yeah. Actually, that's the reason why I'm here."

"Wait, what? You're gonna force me to come with you?" I asked jokingly.

He just laughed and said, "In your dreams babe. In your dreams. But kidding aside, I'm here to mend things up and to say goodbye."

"You're dying?"

"What?! No, stupid. Chloe and I decided to finish college in England."


"Yeah. You should meet her. She's the best."

"Hello? Current ex-girlfriend in the room." I said jokingly. "But, anyway, so, you're really leaving? Is that for good?"

"We'll just decide on it later. I just want to spend more time with her."

"Ooohh. Romeo's kind of possessive. I see." I said as I poked his side.


"So, when can I see you both again?"

"Maybe after college. I don't know."

"Oh. Okay. So.. Just see you when I see you?"

"Yeah. Thanks Ky. For meeting up with me. It means a lot."

"Yeah. Me too."

And with that, we parted ways.

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