04. Two Becomes Four

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September 26, 2015

Diego drove his wife to the hospital. She'd awoken with contractions, and he'd instantly gone into panic mode.

Guinevere had tried to tell him that the contractions weren't close together, but he'd ignored her. His twins were coming, and he wanted his wife to receive the best care possible.

They pulled up to the hospital and Diego grabbed a wheelchair.

Guinevere frowned. "Diego, I'm pregnant. Not incapacitated."

"Humor me," he shot back. "Just sit in the wheelchair, Gwen. Please?"

Guinevere let out a sigh. "Fine." She groaned as she went through another contraction.

Diego stroked her hair, then wheeled her in.

A nurse took her wheelchair and brought the couple to a room.

Guinevere was given a hospital gown and changed into it.

Seventeen grueling hours later, Guinevere was dilated enough.

The brunette was wheeled to a delivery room where she birthed a set of fraternal twins; a boy and a girl.

Diego smiled at his wife. "You did it, my muse."

Guinevere smiled softly at their son and daughter. "What should we name them?"

Diego looked at their daughter. "Layla Grace."

"After your mother. I love it." She looked at their son. "Liam Reginald?"

Diego frowned. "Any name but Reginald."

Guinevere laughed. "I was only joking. I was thinking Liam Roger. After my father."

Diego kissed his wife's forehead. "It's perfect." He smiled at his twins. "Welcome to the world, Liam and Layla. I'm gonna take good care of you and your mom."

The twins closed their eyes and Guinevere held them close to her chest, a soft, tired smile on her face.

Diego ran a hand through his wife's hair. "Sleep, my dear. I'll watch them."

Guinevere nodded as Diego took the twins and laid them in the bassinets the hospital had provided.

She closed her eyes and Diego sat in the chair in her room, watching over his family.

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