02. The Date

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December 31, 2011

6:45 PM

Guinevere stepped out of the shower and began brushing her hair.

Once the tangles were out, she began blow drying it, brushing every so often to prevent more tangles.

After some consideration, she chose to leave her hair down and began on her makeup.

She never wore much, but she figured she'd put on more than usual. It'd been awhile since she'd been on a date, so she was rather out of practice with the concept.

Her mind was still processing that she was going on a date with Diego Hargreeves. Of all people. She didn't hate the family, but she had purposefully chosen not to cross paths with them. And she had succeeded, until a murder outside the theatre of the last night of one of her biggest roles.

Guinevere put the finishing touches of makeup on and put the cap on her lipstick.

She made her way to her room and slipped on the jeans, red shirt, and black heels she'd picked out.

Guinevere had never liked dressing in formal attire, but she would if she had to. She considered this date a less formal occasion, thus her choice for the jeans.

At five til eight, a knock sounded on her door.

She grabbed her purse and opened the door to see Diego in all black, though the only leather on him was a leather jacket.

Diego smiled. "You look beautiful."

"You look rather handsome, even if you are in all black."

Diego offered his arm and Guinevere accepted.

"Where are we going?" Guinevere asked.

"It's a surprise," Diego replied with a small smirk.

He led her to a small clearing where a red and white blanket with a picnic basket on top was laying.

Guinevere's hands instantly went to her mouth. "Oh my gosh. How did you know?"

"I may have talked to some of your costars. They told me how much you enjoy picnics and some of your favorite food and drink."

"You must really like me, Diego Hargreeves, because no one has ever gone through this much preparation for me."

"Haven't you dated in the past?"

"Well, yes, but I was more the one pursuing."

"Well then, Guinevere Hughes, let me be the one to pursue you for a change."

A smile tugged at her lips. "I really do appreciate that. Shall we eat? I'm hungry."

Diego chuckled softly and opened the picnic basket. Inside were peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and previously prepared lemonade.

Guinevere smiled. "This is wonderful!"


"Yeah. It's perfect. Thank you so much, Diego."

As the two ate, Guinevere said, "Tell me a little about yourself. I know you have five siblings and like to fight crime."

"Six siblings, actually," Diego corrected. "My sister Vanya doesn't have powers."

"Oh. That must have been unfortunate, given the house she grew up in."

"She managed. She played music a lot, and I think that helped."

"Music does speak where words cannot. What was it like growing up there?"

"Pretty miserable, actually. My dad didn't really love us. I always felt my mom did. Uh, w-we lost a-a couple of my b-brothers."

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Diego."

"Yeah. Thanks. Uh, I moved out as soon as I turned 17 and made my own way and became a vigilante of sorts. What about you? You're obviously a great actress."

Guinevere's cheeks flushed. "I appreciate that. I grew up here and always knew I wanted to perform. I suppose you could consider Bonnie and Clyde my first big break, but I have had previous roles. My parents sadly passed earlier this year. Um, a car accident."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Thank you. The stage has helped me channel some of that pain and sadness."

The two fell into an oddly comfortable silence and eventually, Diego glanced at his watch.

"It's 11:59," he said.

"Is it really?" Guinevere asked. "My; time has flown by."

"It really has. Gwen, may I kiss you?"

Guinevere nodded. "I would like that very much."

At the stroke of midnight, Guinevere and Diego shared their first kiss, unknowingly sealing their fate.

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