Author's Note

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If this was actually a script, there would be more scenes with side characters and B stories, even C. But I wanted to get to the point of it, the rest I will leave to your imagination.

I really like this show, and I'm really glad my friend made me watch it for the plot (the plot being Tom Ellis), though the actual storyline and characters made me appreciate it even more.  Especially some of the secondary characters, such as Charlotte or Ella, which is why I wanted to create my own secondary character: Azazel.

Choosing Azazel and Belial as the characters has some sense if you look into demonology or christian mythology. I just enjoy reading the Wikipedia from time to time, so the light research was fun.

It was pretty easy to write this once I figured out what Azazel's powers would be, which if you haven't figure it out is being able to manipulate souls. Belial, being a demon, doesn't have a soul, which is why he died directly. Again, if this were an actual script, there would be more hints and references to this.

I hope you liked it and thank you so much for reading thus far. It means a lot to see people read my stuff. It makes me want to write, and write better. And thank you for any vote or comment that you may have left, they give me a tiny bit of serotonin every time I get one :)

Thank you so much.

- parabare

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