"Alright! Alright! Let me call Yoongi and as-"

"No! I don't want a driver or fucking bodyguards! Just me, you, fried food, and shopping. Please kookie? Please?" I pouted "you can protect me with your muscles and gun if you have to. I'll even bring my new Sig, just please don't call Yoongi. He won't get mad at you, I'll take all of the blame" 

"Something tells me this is a horrible idea" he groaned "but fine" 

"Yes! God I fucking love you!" I kissed his cheek and let go, landing on my feet and happily skipping my way to the bedroom to grab my Sig and attached it to the holster on my hip. 

"This one!" I gasped as I dragged a grumbling Jungkook to another store to find something else I don't really need just to distract myself from the line of dental floss I've been teetering on for two months. For the first time since I stepped off of the plane, I felt content. I felt relaxed and happy as I took all of my frustration out on Yoongi's debit card and Jungkook's hand as I dragged him around. At one point he was laughing and trying on clothes, that made me even happier. I know I don't actually annoy him like he says, I know he loves me, and hanging out with him is easy. 

Easier than spending time with my boyfriend actually. And that's a sad fact that I'm not ready to confess out loud. 

Jungkook went to look for more clothes while I stopped at Victoria's Secret to look for lingerie that might excite Yoongi and get him to realize that I need him to pay attention to me, I don't want to seem needy, but I'm craving him so bad. He either doesn't see it, or he's purposely avoiding it, neither of those make me happy. 

"Wow, you would look beautiful in that!" The woman next to me exclaimed as I held up a lacey one piece

"Thank you" I blushed and she smiled, as she put down the underwear that was in her hand and extended her hand for me to shake 

"I'm Aubrey" she smiled "nice to meet you" 

"Ally, nice to meet you too" 

"Are you here on vacation?"

"I moved here actually with my boyfriend and our family" I smiled as I picked up a few more lace lingerie in different colors "you?"

"Me too, moved here I mean" she smiled as she pushed some of her brown and silver hair behind her ear "my daughter and I moved here maybe a month ago. My ex-husband and my son passed away so we needed a fresh start" she smiled wide 

"I'm sorry for your loss" I frowned and patted her arm comfortingly 

"Not your fault" she shook her head "it's nice to run into someone from the states, it feels a little isolating sometimes doesn't it?"

"Oh my god, yes!" I rolled my eyes "big time" 

"Would you be interested in exchanging numbers? I know I'm a bit older, but it might be nice to have coffee sometime. You're around the same age as my daughter too" she smiled wide with hope in her eyes 

"Of course" I giggled as I pulled out my phone and took down her number, I texted her so she could save my number in her phone. We talked until I paid for my stuff and we went our separate ways. Jungkook and I got some food from the food court before heading home, laughing and talking the whole way to the house. 

It was a perfect day. 

Until we made it inside the house. 

A very angry Yoongi was standing in the living room, his tie undone and his suit looking less than ready for a meeting. 

"Where were you?"

"I went to the mall with K-kookie. It's not his fault, I begged him to take me and not to tell you p-please don't be mad" I felt my lip quiver 

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