Ji Woon looked at her and smiled. 'We don't have to meet so late and it doesn't have to be here. Maybe on the market at the evening? I just want to look at that beauty of yours...'

Kyong Seon smiled widely. 'It may be possible!' She was cheerful and happy.

He squeezed her once more and finally let her go. 'I'm sorry to do that... Can you go first? I don't want us to be seen together... I don't want to cause you some trouble....'

She nodded and started to wander off, peeping over her shoulder to wave at her lover. He stood still on the rock, escorting her with his eyes. When she was out of his sight he sighed and dramatically squatted. He started to rub his arms, as they were contaminated. 'Let it be over quickly', he thought and went to the campfire, to pick the laying clothes. The one, on which they were laying, was stained with some blood. He scrunched it and throw it into the river, letting out an angry roar.


Ji Woon waited in the forest until it was morning and came back to his home and changed clothes. He has smarten himself up and went to meet his best friend. He passed the gate to the Shim court and asked the guard to call his master. Then he waited.

Young master Shim walked out, yawning. He saw his friend and smiled, but furrowing his eyebrows. 'I was told, that you're gone for at least three days.'

Great, the servant passed Ji Woon's words. 'I missed you, so I stepped on it!'

Woong Tae put his arm on his friend shoulders, leading him inside. 'What was your task?'

'Officer Choi wanted to pass some message.'

'And couldn't use messenger?'

'Apparently such a behaviour happens, when people are getting older.' Ji Woon mood was much better right now, after being in ability to gossip with his friend. He just had to be careful not to reveal himself.

'Remind me one day, that we can't get older.' Woong Tae started joking.

'I think we can start now! So our handsome faces won't go waste.'

'Well said!' Young master leaded him to the pavilion, which was placed near the pond. The table there was amply set with various types of food. It wasn't Ji Woon's first time seeing it, but it always made him astonished with sumptuousness of simple breakfast. 'Come, eat with me.'

The men sat down on the ground. Yoo Ji Woon started to gobble down anything within his arm's reach, since his last, poor meal was at the evening, in the forest. Shim Woong Tae rather pecked at his food. He always envied his friend, that no matter how much food he ate, he was all muscles. Young master had to control his cravings for food, since he wasn't athletic and didn't like to move around. And for him his looks was everything.

'Ji Woon, my friend, it's good that you're back.' Woong Tae started speaking. His companion looked at him, with his cheeks all stuffed like some kind of animal. Young master sighed. 'Father is going in two days to Hanseong. He'll be gone for a while. And he want to introduce me to my fiancée before his departure.'

Officer's son stopped chewing and heavily gulped the food. He put his chopsticks down and he tried not to show any emotions.

'I see that you also worry about my future!' Basing on those words, Ji Woon partially failed, but thankfully Woong Tae took his friend mood change as a sign of concern for him. Young master continued. 'I thought of throwing a party! The last one when I'm free. Father said he's only goal is the marriage, he doesn't care how I behave, but knowing him, he'll try hard to control me. That's why let's use this last time, when I'm free!' He patted Ji Woon on shoulder and he nodded in return. 'Great! I was about to give up on this idea, because you were not around, but since you're back, I will gladly start the preparation! Servant!' He called for one of the man, standing beside the pavilion. He told him to prepare the inn for tomorrow's evening. He also ordered to spread the news and invite some people. It was supposed to be boisterous.

Ji Woon, on the other hand, blankly stared at the table, picking some food and slowly putting it inside his mouth. He didn't know what to feel. Such an opportunity happened so quickly. But he will not think about it too much, he'll just use it. He has to bring there the men he paid and also the main star, Kyong Seon. Good thing he'll meet her tonight.


The men finished the breakfast talking about the upcoming party. Later they trained together, as if they didn't have any problems to be anxious at. They lived as they usually did. They also ate the dinner together and after that Ji Woon excused himself, as supposedly he had some task to do. Woong Tae didn't ask any questions, just said that he's tired of the day and went to sleep.

Ji Woon meanwhile went to the main square. There was less people, than in the morning, as the market in held there. He easily spotted Kyong Seon as she was looking around nervously. He approached her as she was turned back to him and hugged her from behind. She jolted and backed off. Young man tilted his head to the side and had questioning facial expression.

'Sir Yoo... I'm sorry...' She started speaking.

'Sorry? Why?' He tried to grab her hand but she dodged it. Ji Woon firstly was shocked and right after he started to get angry, but he had to remind himself that at this level he can't ruin everything with his temper. He has to play cool. 'Kyong Seon, what happened?'

'My father caught me in the morning and gave me an earful...' She bit her lower lip. Ji Woon didn't like this sight, as it irritated him. Such a beautiful lips covered in small wounds. He shook his head to not irritate himself more.

'So he knows about us?' He asked carefully.

'No, but he's suspicious... And what if he finds out?' She was on the edge of tears.

Ji Woon wanted to scream out loud. It didn't happen! Why is she crying? He'll never understand women. 'It's impossible! See, today you're going to be early in home! He won't find out! You can even go right away.' He said. She looked at him with fear in her eyes, seeking for more comfort. 'Here.' He caressed her hair. 'Isn't it better? And I'm not doing anything suspicious!'

She nodded, but still lowered her head. 'So I will be heading back...' She turned around and started to walk away.

Ji Woon grabbed her hand to stop her, and when she halted and looked at him, he let her go. 'Wait. I came here to ask you for something. Umm... Tomorrow sir Shim Woong Tae is throwing a party... I have to be there, of course...' He tried to sound upset and sad. 'I was thinking, if you could go there with me, but seeing your situation, I know it's a bad idea...'

Kyong Seon looked at him, as he pouted. She really thought that she have to give her father a time for trust her again, but she just couldn't say no to that man in front of her. 'Is there going to be a lot of people?'

'Probably... But definitely not someone which knows you! He only keeps with nobility, not with one's like us.'

Ji Woon looked with searing sight at her, trying to hurry up her decision. It worked. 'Okay... I will show up...'

He jumped of joy and hugged her shortly, startling her and making her look around, if someone saw that. 'Thank you! This night is going to be much better with you! I will pick you up from the market, at the same time as today, okay?'


'Now go, we don't want to worry your father.'

She nodded and went away. Ji Woon stood there and smirked, slowly changing it into a full grin. He couldn't believe his luck with this situation. All happy he went back to his household to go to sleep. He was really tired of all of this acting.

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