Chapter 12: New Beginnings

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A few days after the Brother Blood Fiasco, the Titans were still reeling from it all but while they were distraught, they continued to finish some lose ends.

One of them being that they gave Terra a proper burial.

Another was handing off Jasper to the Rose family, who was dragged away kicking and screaming about how she will get her revenge and some other things before she got tranquilized.

And right now, they were just going through their day like normal.

That was until they got a call from Starfire to meet at the front of the tower.

Walking over to the team with Blake by her side, Yang asked, "So what's going on?"

"I got a call from Qrow. Apparently, there are some new members being added to the team." Starfire explained.

The Titans looked at her in shock that they're getting a teammate so soon, "Seriously? It's been a few days since the situation with Blood and we're now getting a new member?" Garfield said a little peeved.

The alien princess frowns at his disproval, but she doesn't blame him. "I know that it may be too soon to have a new member after what happened, but while we may be distraught the world continues to change around us whether we like it or not, and we all need to make our new members feel welcomed."

"Members?" Weiss repeated.

"We have two new members, but I was told that the second one was a...last minute addition because of circumstance."

"And these new members are?" Jaime questioned.

"I was told to not say who they are until they get here." Kori responded.

The Titans looked at their team leader in bewilderment on why she was told to keep their identities a secret.

And Damian was the person that hated the secrecy the most and visibly showed his disproval and crossed his arms. "I don't like this."

"I would have to agree." Blake admitted.

And the other Titans agreed with him as well.

With that, the Titans just stood there and waited for the new arrivals to get here.

Which did not take long since a portal in the sky opened and out came out a manta.

"Uhhhh...Why are they coming here in a Atlesian military aircraft?" Yang questioned and gave her team a bewildered look.

And they just shrugged their shoulders since they were just as confused as her.

Landing on the ground, the aircraft opened and the first person to come out was a familiar face.

And that person was Penny.

Who was now wearing a different outfit now.

Which was an off-white blouse with puffy shoulders with an olive-green high waisted skirt with a black hem and a thick black trim with green stripes going vertically down it. A black corset with olive green lining, four golden buttons with olive green straps.

A black lace collar piece that was kept in place by a black ribbon and green power button pendant plated in gold in the center.

Black low heeled thigh high boots with a green stripe running down the sides like her old boots.

But the only difference that there was a large green circle at the top and a small one at the bottom, both which are outlined with gold.

And as accessories she wore a black fabric bow under a pink metal bow that has a green orb that was outlined with gold, which was attached to the back of her hair, and had on black gloves with a lace trim and gold buttons on the knuckles.

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