Chapter 11: The Titans Lament

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Starfire grunts as she shoots a Star Blast at Blood, but the High Priest puts up a shield using Raven's magic and once Starfire's attack dissipated, he uses his free hand to send a blast of magic at the Tamaranean.

Crossing her arms in front of her, they took the brunt of the attack and sent her flying backwards.

Making his way towards Blood, Blue Beetle attempted to hit him, but the villain casually grabs him, throws him across the room and turns his left arm into a blaster and shot the bug themed hero into a wall.

Turning his gaze towards Raven, he levitates a boulder and sends it flying at the sorceress, knocking her out of the sky.

Gritting her teeth, with her hands glowing Starfire re-enters the fight and flies towards him.

Meanwhile with Red, Glacia, and Goldie...
Jasper grunts as she dodges another attack from Goldie and tried to counter it by swinging her sword at her neck.

But the blonde dodges, grabs her outstretched wrist, twists it, and punches the young assassin right into the face so hard that it sent her flying.

Skidding to a stop, Jasper groans as she got up, but before she could do anything a black glyph appeared right under her feet which then vaulted her high up in the air.

Snapping her fingers, Glacia then creates multiple glyphs that surrounded the still airborne assassin, and one-time dilation glyph right under Red's feet.

Boosted with her newfound speed, Red rushes forwards and rushed the glyphs to catapult herself from place to place and slash the assassin so fast that for a few seconds Jasper had stayed in place while still in midair.

And soon the barrage of attacks stopped as the Red huntress lands on the ground not too far away.

As Jasper fell back to the ground, the assassin had gotten herself upright and waited to land back on the ground, but she was not given that luxury since it was at that moment that Goldie had used the blast from her gauntlets to send herself flying towards the assassin.

And once she was close enough, she sent a flaming punch right into her stomach, sending her bulldozing right into her father before slamming into a wall.

The young girl glowed purple as her aura flickered across her body before it broke as she falls to the ground unconscious.

Getting up, Slade quickly got ready for the incoming attack and blocked Nightwing's tonfa, noticing that Robin was coming up behind him, Slade used his blades to push Nightwing's weapon down before elbowing him in the face.

Turning around and blocked the Boy Wonder's blade.

And for the next minute the assassin found himself constantly switching from blocking and countering the two brother's attacks.

Having enough Slade, tried to uppercut Nightwing with his sword but the hero bends backwards to dodge it and quickly got some distance.

And with him momentarily out of the way, that gave Slade all the time he needed to turn his full attention towards Robin.

Blocking another strike from his sword, Slade raises his foot and slams it into Robins side and knocked him away in the process.

"Do you think they need help?" Glacia questioned.

"Nah, let them deal with that bastard. Let's help the others." Goldie proclaimed.

Agreeing to her statement, the three teammates quickly turned around and went to help the others with Blood.

Who was still beating them up to say the least.

And right now, he was punching Beast Boy in the face, who had turned into a giant bear.

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