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"you...what?" I asked.

he licked his upper lip, exhaling deeply, "I...I said I love you..."

the tears began to build up more, "w-why?"

"what do you mean why?" he asked. "I've loved you ever since I was little. you were all I thought about after my dad would hit me. you made me feel the safest..."

"you loved me for that long?" I asked.

he nodded, "we stopped being friends because I was scared of my dad...I didn't want to bring you into that part of my life so I pushed you away."


"and when I saw you were with your boyfriend, my heart was broken. I never knew anything until you told me. I care for you so deeply, areum." he chewed his bottom lip.

I drunkenly walked closer to him, throwing my arms over his shoulders and hugging him tight. he wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his nose in my neck.

"I love you..." he whispered.

my breath hitched, clenching tighter onto him. "but you don't feel the same way..."

he began to pull away, but I pulled him closer, stopping him from walking away as the tears built more.

"n-no...I do," I said. "the little girl who hung out with the smart little boy secretly loved him too. and the woman she is now appreciates him so much..."

he chuckled lightly, his breath hitting my neck. he pulled away, his eyes puffy and red as he cupped my cheek in his large hand.

he studied my face, from my eyes down to my lips. he grabbed onto the sides of my head, placing his lips onto mine.

he kissed me softly, thumbs caressing my cheeks.

my eyes fluttered closed, his eyelashes brushed over my cheeks as I opened my mouth to kiss him back.

his soft, plump lips molded perfectly together with my dry and chapped lips. I began to worry he wasn't liking it.

my cheeks began to heat up, and I lowered my head to break the kiss.

"what's wrong?" he asked.

I wiped my lips, "my lips are chapped." I slurred and he laughed.

"I don't care," he said. "you do taste like vodka and strawberries though."

"I think that's what was in my drink, I can't remember." I laugh.

he smiled, his dimples indenting his cheeks. I smiled, poking his dimple, "cute...you always had the best smile."

he hugged my body closer, kissing me again.

and I drifted away, feeling on cloud 9.

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