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I knocked on the door three times, shifting from my heels to my toes while I waited. the door opened, revealing my best friend, rosé.

she smiled at me, her smile dropping for a second when she looked at my car and the bags in my hands, she then smiled bigger.

"you finally did it?" she exclaimed. I nodded my head and she shrieked in excitement, "yay! no more jared! we have to celebrate."

"ugh, I don't know rosé-"

"I won't take no for an answer! this is a big day for you! you're finally out of your parents' grasps and jared really means nothing to you now!"

I laughed at her choice of words. she grabbed a few of my bags, bringing them inside with her.

rosé was only a year older than me so she had her own apartment. I looked around, "I see you've done something differently with the place."

she furrowed her eyebrows, "nope. everything is still the same."

"it's got a man's touch to it now." I cocked an eyebrow.

she sucked in her bottom lip, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "is it that obvious?"

I grinned, "who's the lucky guy?"

"I've only been dating him for two months now..."

"is he nice?"

"yes, I really like him." she smiled. I rolled my eyes, "you say that about every guy..."

"but I really mean it this time! he'll be coming to the party with us."

"party? 'us'?"

"yes, we're going to a party."


"nope, it's for your celebration. I hope you have some cute clothes."

"do you know who my mother is? she'd force me into cute clothes."

she smiled, "perfect."


that night, she most certainly did take me out to a party. her boyfriend seemed nice, hoseok. he was a fun and cheerful guy.

she looked really happy with him.

rosé was dressed in some cute dress. she insisted I wear one of her "scandalous" dresses, but I happily declined. instead, I threw on some jeans and a cute top.

the party seemed at its peak, the booze were flowing, cannabis filled the air, and sweaty bodies danced against each other.

I hated parties sometimes, but I needed it right?

I didn't notice hoseok had slipped away when he came back with three shot glasses, handing one to me and rosé.

rosé raised her glass, "to areum-ah, for getting the fuck out." I laughed, clinking our glasses together and downing the shots.

one down, and whatever number it takes for me to black out, to go.

RunawaysHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin