I was in my thought-train and didn't realise that we had reached the haunted house- I mean school. I stepped out out of the van and started moving towards the main gate. Dragging my feat, I reached the gates. My class was on the third floor which meant I had to climb with a heavy backpack on. Great.

Before I could proceed, someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned around. It was Joey, my friend from the van who was asleep at the back.

"Wassup?" He said in his usual funny manner. He was about my height with cherry-blonde hair and pouty lips. His skin was naturally bright and his eyes were bluish-grey. He always wore lose clothes for some reason. Today, he was wearing an XL size black and white striped shirt and baggy denim trousers. Joey was easily capable of being a teen model but he insisted that his love for science won't let him do anything else. The neighborhood I was moving in was not far from Joey's place, but not close enough for the van to pick me too.

"Nothing much..." I replied lazily and glanced around. What I saw did not surprise me. Girls were swooning over Joey, and he was probably used to this. When my friends first saw Joey with me, they couldn't help but giggle. Some girls from my class started rumors. My friends asked me if we were together and if not, could they have his number.

Bit of a shock for them when I told them he was openly gay.

"So, ready to move out?" He asked.

"Well, there is still some time. And I will never be ready unless I move out.

He nodded. "I remember when I had to leave my house. It was horrible, you'll love it."

I smiled sarcastically, "Gee, thanks."

We reached the second floor. Joey was an year older than me and his grade sat there, so we said goodbye. Then I continued my journey towards my class.

A word about my classmates before you meet them. They are chaotic. Messy. Haywire. Nuts. You get the idea, right? Maybe all of you will be like 'my class is also like this ha-ha' but you'll be wrong. These forty students were the weirdest group of people. Some of them were really good and some of them were really bad. This bunch of people had been together since a long time, and knew very well that we won't be together next year. Which is why, we decided to have fun this year. Not some regular fun, but crazy fun. And the good thing was, most of us still managed to get good grades to come out as a descent class among all the sections of our grade. What happened in our class, stayed in our class. When some student from another section would laugh at us for our good behavior, we'd just give them an innocent smile and say "Oh you have no idea"

I finally reach my class which was going through a turmoil, but I was used to that so didn't care much. I moved towards my seat, the front seat in the corner row, right next to the biggest window of our class. I saw that my bench partner, May, had already kept her bag on the seat. She was not around at that time. My seat was next to the biggest window of our class.It was so big because it had a small door. Some parts of the bars could be opened completely and we could jump out to a small balcony.

I was looking out of the window when someone hit me on my back. I turned around to see who it was and wanted to hit them in return but it was Ariana and Anne. I couldn't hit them. I only hit them when they used abusive words in front of me.

"Hey! You're not late today..." Ariana said. My van was generally late so obviously my friends made fun of that.

I made a face at her and asked, "So, whats new?"

"We literally met yesterday, what do you think happened?"Anne asked.

I shrugged. "A lot could happen in a day if you ask me."

"That's a good thing. Now, can I borrow your history notes today? I need to copy yesterday's notes." Anne asked.

Ariana was looking out the window. She seemed to be looking at the soccer field where the school team was practicing.

"Looking for someone?" I asked.

"Anyone cute." She replied like it should be obvious.

I let out a sigh as Anne looked at me with an expression which said, I am so done with her.

Before I could say anything, May came towards our bench and said, "Ma'am is coming. You guys better head back to your places or you know what will happen."

She was right. Our class teacher hated it when we were away from our respective places. Ariana used to sit with a girl named Daisy, who used to think of herself as some sort of class leader (well, she did have a badge for being a prefect be everyone knew she got it because she used to learn everything word-to-word and because she used to play angles), and Anne used to sit with Daisy's side-kick, Lela, who had a false sense of superiority. They dragged themselves back. I must admit, I was lucky in this matter because I was good friends with May.

We sat on our bench. May sat next to me and said, "I wanna kill her," she was glaring at Daisy.

"I know, you remind me of this about five times a day."

Then out teacher, Miss Stilton entered, "good morning class! I hope you are ready for the lesson..."

We lazily took out our stuff. Miss Stilton was easily one of the most boring teachers I had ever gotten. She used to speak real slow and she even yawned a lot between the lectures. The session had begun about a month ago, so we still had a lot to learn about her but one thing was clear: she loved teachers' pets and Lela was her favorite.

"So I hope you remember what we did in the previous class?" She said looking at us, but apparently, no one cared so she proceeded, "We learnt about this new chapter..."

"I think our math teacher is absent today..." May said.

"That's a good thing. I hope no teacher comes to our class for substitution."

This session was fun mainly because we had a lot of free periods. Our teachers sometimes got confused with the time-tables and sometimes when they were absent, our substitution teacher wouldn't realize that she needed to come to our class.

"We have two math periods today? Yes!"

I laughed and gazed outside the window. I was trying to stop the song going on in my head, but it was out of control. That happened a lot with me, my mind was like a radio.

I can't feel my face when I'm with you-

Shut up.

But I love it, but I looove iiit!



We'll Find Them... (A Lukanette Story)Where stories live. Discover now