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Toby's pov

I smiled as I finished off my kill for the week. Jeff, Ben and I were given permission to have a killing spree of all the bad people of Manhattan, New York, before he moved us to Texas for a few weeks before we went to Alaska.

A scream knocked me out of my thoughts and I jumped slightly. That type of a scream sounded like when a woman left a child behind as she died. So mainly like she wasn't ready and was really pissed off. I sighed and jumped up on top of the closest building, and I noticed Jeff climbing out of a window three apartment complexes down from where I was, and Ben appeared from one, four over after that.

We all looked at each other before nodding in sync and running towards where the scream had sounded from. The scream must have been extremely loud, or our hearing is just really good, because the apartment that it seemed to have come from was 4 miles from where we were.

"What do you think it was about?" Ben asked as he landed next to me, I was standing in front of the complex, a feeling of dread kind of filled me and I wasn't sure what it was making me prepared to see.

"I'm not sure Ben... I'm not sure. Jeff get down here and let's go!" I called up to him, he was on top of the building waiting to see what we were going to do. He sighed, nodded, and jumped down to us. I smirked as Ben almost freaked out before he remembered we don't really get hurt from that height.

"Well, let's get this over with then." Jeff sighed and we walked inside the apartment building, where a baby's wail sounded through the building and I flinched. The voice sounded extremely scared and full of anger. I gasped as I was suddenly running towards a door near the back of the ground floor, ignoring the receptionist as I got to the door labeled #7.

I kicked the door opened and found a fat male, who looked like a tusk-less walrus in thrift store clothes, a double chin, and was completely bald except for three stay hairs that were combed over his scalp, standing over a child no more than 10 months old with a knife in hand.

Upon hearing the door get broken he turned and stared at the three of us and let's be honest, he was probably drunk. I surveyed the room as quickly as I could and noticed a woman laying in the kitchen with a knife sticking from the area the heart is usually found.

"GET OUT!" The man screamed at us, he sounded almost like a pig on helium. I noticed the child was shaking and kind of had his arms raised as if to protect himself and I growled slightly. The child was innocent! And this fucker had the audacity to attack and kill the mother and was now inching towards the child?

"Back away from the child, or else." Ben growled as he tried his best to keep his anger in check, and honestly if he didn't we were all screwed. He wasn't happy and neither was the man. Movement caught my eye before I could begin moving towards the pig of a man, taking a closer look I noticed it was water making its way to the child. When the water got to the child, it wrapped around him in a shield like formation and I smirked slightly.

"Or else what? What are you and the losers behind you gonna do?" The man slurred and I smirked behind my mask.

"Ben. It's your call this time." I whispered to him slightly and I waited for his response as he surveyed the room more thoroughly.

"Jeff, see if you can grab the kid. Toby and I'll distract and kill the man." Ben responded and we nodded, Jeff began approaching first, but before he could grab the little boy the water smacked Jeff. Like the water reached out, took the shape of a tiny hand and smacked Jeff lightly and it caused the little boy to giggle. I looked back at Ben as he sighed.

"Ben... What do I do?" Jeff whined and I saw the Pig on Helium about to take a swing at Jeff. Oh hell no. I rushed forward and tackled the man away from Jeff and took a swing at his head but he managed to shove me off. I sighed and glared at the man... Who seemed to finally realize the threat we held against him. The child had made me feel more protective than I have ever felt before, and it was slightly weird... But that could also be the fact he technically slapped Jeff and is getting away with it.

"Toby. Have fun killing him. Jeff obviously needs help getting the kid to safety." Ben told me and I smirked to myself as I turned back to the man who was struggling to stay up right, he was holding a knife. That's gonna have to go first.

I rushed forward and pushed him, causing him to stumble back, dropping the knife. I smirked as I walked towards him slowly, he seemed disoriented. I turned to look back at the kid who was smiling at me, I smiled back even though he couldn't see it. His eyes brightened, how'd he know I smiled? Fear filled his eyes, turning back around I narrowly avoided a punch that would have knocked me down for a second, I flung one of my Hatchets into his arm, trapping him against the wall as he cried out in rage.

The giggle behind me suggested he was entertained... I looked back and saw him waving at me before he got distracted by Ben, who was kneeling right next to him. I faintly saw Ben smile before I suddenly hit the wall. I growled and turned, I grabbed my other hatchet and swung the dull, wooden side into both of his knees. A sickening crack followed and the child giggled again. He landed on his knees, crying out. I glared at him and flipped the hatchet before I swung and hit him in the head.

"Come on, let's go." Jeff said as he pulled me from the dead body of the pig. I looked back at the child who was smiling happily at me. I sighed and smiled back at him.

"We have to find out what his name is." I responded and a voice coughed at the door. Looking up sharply Jeff and I stood in front of Ben and the child protectively. It was the receptionist.

"His name is Perseus Jackson. His mother would call him Percy. Please, take care of him. He has the Blessing of the Maiden." She responded and we nodded, she moved away from the door and we slipped out and back into the night, it was nearing 2 in the morning and we were all exhausted.

Ben was walking in between Jeff, who was in the back, and myself, who was in front. The giggling was continuous, looking back Percy was trying to grab one of my Hatchets on the rare time I decided to wear them on my back. He was reaching for the blades slightly, for where the most blood had been dripping from.

"Another day Percy. Another day." I murmured, he looked up at me and giggled, reaching for me. I looked back at Ben and he smiled and nodded at me. I picked Percy up and continued walking, Ben now walking in front of me and Jeff slightly beside me. Near the kid.

Percy looked at Jeff and giggled, making a smacking motion and suddenly water had followed his motion and smacked Jeff again, I snorted as I tried to hide my laughter at his misfortune. He just sighed, shaking his head with a genuine smile showing through his carved one.

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