character sketch

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Let's see the characters of our story it's a short story..

1.manik Malhotra world-famous rockstar & actor.. Has his own dangerous aura.. nobody has seen him laughing ,never attends parties and all and has a secret which nobody knows...

2 . Cabir Dhawan
Jolly funny actor plus drumer.. loves his wife navya and friend of Manik

3. mukti vardhan
She's tomboy... a very good actor and electric guitarist and also writes poems.. engaged wd her love of life Manik friend

4. Dhruv vedant
A renowned dancer and choreographer...has tiff wd Manik because of his wife proposed him..loves his wife Alya vedant

5 Alya vedant
Actor and pianist ... Is married to Dhruv and is angry on Manik coz he rejected her prposal...a total makeup kit

6. Harshad saxsena
An actor and singer...a total evil & greedy person and is jealous of Manik...and try every possible thing to insult him.. married to sanjana saxena an evil lady

7. Soha khurana
An actor  and is always behind money... Chipkoo.. always try to come close to Manik...but he doesn't give her a shit.. has a boyfriend aryman khanna who is rich buisnessman

∆ salman khan
He will be hosting the show and treats manik as his brother knows manik has a secret but don't know what it is...

Story will start one week before connection there are only seven contestant remaining...there connections will be reveled later..
Here are two groups
1- manik , cabir ,mukti
2 - Dhruv , Alya , Harshad , Soha (evil gang)
Manik not mingle wd people much he's always sits alone or sing wd his guitar... Talk very less only wd cabir nd mutki avoid conflict and evil gang..

Manan (in bigboss)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant