Part 20 ( last part)

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Draco sat by harry's bed, Harry going in and out of consciousness. He had been like this since an hour ago and draco had been there the entire time.

When Harry finally opened his eyes and didnt immediately close them, draco smiled softly.

His eyes darted around the room before spotting draco sitting next to him. He smiled weakly, his eyebrows slightly knit together.

" you're ok." Harry spoke in a hoarse and tired voice.

Draco wanted to scoff. Almost 4 week coma and the first thing he said was him worrying about Draco.

" yeah. Im ok." Draco said, his voice slightly shaky.

" oh god i thought you were gonna die." Draco couldn't help the tears from falling as his voice cracked.

Harry smiled sympathetically, relief and exhaustion evident in his face.

" what happened?" Harry asked in a small voice.

Draco gulped and looked over harry, scanning his body.

" you um. Well You took a lot of damage and we dont even know how you are alive but
y-your arm. Your arm got-"

" if got blasted off didnt it?"

Draco looked at harry with confusion and knit his brows together.

" how did you know?"

Harry pursed his lips and hummed.

" a few seconds before i lost consciousness from the impact i kinda felt it? felt my arm rip. I didn't really feel the pain because of the adrenaline but i felt my skin rip, really bad. I assumed it was gone when my side felt empty when i woke up." Harry said as he looked down, not meeting dracos eyes.

This made draco tear up more. All that, just so draco and the rest wouldn't get hurt. Losing his arm, burns all over his body and tons of brain injuries, and he was still alive.

" but hey. I get a cool robot arm right?" Harry said, trying to think positively.

Draco chuckled, wiping away his tears.

" yeah. I guess you do."

Harry smiled as draco sniffled.

" how long was i out?"

" 3 and a half weeks. We were all unconscious for a while except hermione."

" oh. Hermione. How is she? Is she ok? Did anything happen-?"

" Dont worry she is fine. Me and ron made sure she got a good therapist and she gets a psych evaluation every now and then to make sure she is ok. She's doing great but every once in a while..." draco did a half shrug.

" hmmm. I see. And blaise? Last i saw him he was unconscious."

" oh yeah blaise is fine. He passed out due to internal bleeding and some head injury so."

" oh. So he recovered?"

" yeah he did. Hes ok now."

Draco swallowed thickly before responding.

"we're all ok."

" oh thank god. If you weren't i guess that arm was for nothing."

Draco chuckled, laughing as Harry just smiled, watching how draco looked down slightly and how he was fiddling with his fingers.

" yeah that would be a real shame." Draco said, still chuckling a little.

There was a moment of awkward silence when no one said anything.

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