Part 5

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" hey." Draco said. Harry looked up from his phone and stood up.

" hey." Harry responded with a smile. He wore a camouflage shirt with military boots and black cargo pants. He wore a black bomber jacket and there was a silver chain with a silver plate hanging off his neck.

" you look like your from the military " draco joked

" well us soldiers gotta let em know." Harry smiled once more. His bright emerald green eyes hidden behind his black round glasses.

" we do match tho" harry said dragging draco away from his trans.

" oh. Yeah i guess so" draco replied

" yeah. Sit, ill order some coffee" harry raised his hand and waved a waitress over, she had long fiery red hair. The woman from the club he was talking to.

" hey harry. Your usual?" She asked. Harry nodded.

" and for you?" She turned towards draco.

" iced americano " draco responded. She nodded then left the table.

" she was at the club with you "

" yep. My best friends sister. She just broke up with her boyfriend, needed some cheering up."harry explained. Draco nodded and the woman came back.

" here you go. If there is else anything you need wave me over harry. Anything." Her hand lingered on Harry's arm for a bit before she walked off.

" i see she likes you." Draco said while taking a sip from his coffee.

" yeah. But im not into her. Shes not really my type" Harry responded looking at her going behind the counter.

" why? Dont like redheads?" Draco asked raising an eyebrow

" dont like women. One of the reasons why i left the army" harry said now looking at draco.

" they give you a hard time?" Draco asked

" nope, just too many hot guys" harry said with a smirk taking a drink from his coffee. Draco chuckled and placed his own back on the table.

" so hows business?" Draco asked.

" good good. My dad sure had a lot of enemies tho" Harry responded

" why did you get the company? You have 2 older brothers no?" Draco asked

" yeah. Rick and Justin. But they're weak. I can barely imagine them being the ceo let alone mob boss"

" you're brothers are weak? One is a body builder and the other is a wrestler. How weak can they be?"

What the hell is considered strong to this guy?

" yeah but they are pathetic, just like my dad. They had no smarts nor the willpower so they resided to brute force. Look where that got my dad. 100 enemies and not a single friend, forcing his son to run at the age of 16 and to join on of the most deadliest positions out there only to come back and join another one. My mother took me and my brothers to Sicily when i was 5. By then there were 2 assassination attempts on me and she couldn't afford a 3rd. That didn't stop them tho. 3 more assassination attempts while i was in the army." Harry explained.

" did you hate you father?" Draco asked.

" every fiber of his being. He is the reason why i lost my godfather, why i almost died 5 times, why i had to live in fear my entire life. I plan on being the opposite. He was never a good father, he was too paranoid to be one and the worst part was that the people around me were defending him. I learned about your uncle at 15. I couldn't see him the same way anymore. I came back from Sicily, joined the army, got away from him. I came back cuz he was dead and of course my brothers were too dumb to inherit anything. So here I am, running a company, mafia and not to mention trying to avoid dying at the age of 25. But you've been doing this a lot longer than me and I'm sure you can understand the position I am in so I wanted to know if you are willing to become friends." Harry ended.

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