Part 17

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Draco sat glumly on his sofa.

It had been 3 days since that horrid day. Hermione had been getting more ptsd flashbacks and harry had woken up barely 12 hours ago from his surgery.

Ron was okay, he needed a shoulder brace and he was still very fragile but okay.

Hermione and pansy had to extend their stay and all 6 of them were confined in draco's house.


" a hit?" Blaise asked worriedly.

" yes. A hit, by salazar. As you guys should know salazar is a very powerful leader of the scottish mafia. Him and the 4 founders are NOT to be taken lightly and the hit on Potters head is not a joke." Snape said sternly.

" how much is the bounty?" Draco asked. Snape gulped and looked down.

" 2.3 million."

" MILLION?" Both blaise and draco said at the same time.

" yes Million. Salazar and the four founders have a lot of old money they can throw away and apparently Potter being dead is their number one priority."

Draco huffed and ran his hands down his face, closing his eyes and trying to rack his head around it.

" and unfortunately, that puts all your lives at risk too." Snape said slowly.

Blaise and draco looked up and cocked their eyebrows.

" why?"

" because now Salazar knows you are all very important to him. Plus when Pansy left the Zabini family she unintentionally made a lot of powerful enemies. Taking out 2 mafia bosses and an ex-mob wife is one hell of a deal."

Blaise looked down and pinched the bridge of his nose.

" oh god pansy is in danger too. And ron, jesus fuck." He breathed out and turned around.

Draco felt the weight of the world fall on his shoulders.

He felt as if though wanted to scream.

" ok. What do we do?" Draco mustered.

" house arrest. You're all going to be together. If you dont, we dont know what will happen. Are all of you here at the hospital?" Snape asked.

Draco nodded but blaise stopped him.

He looked at snape with terror in his eyes.

" pansy. She, she went home. She said she was going to get us clothes shes all alone."

Snape cursed under his breath and nodded.

" ill send some of my men to go get her-"

" no. Let me go." Draco interjected.

" draco, no."

" snape please."

" the answer is no."

" i can protect myself!"

" im not letting you put your life in danger for some girl!"

" but shes not just some girl! She's Blaise's ex wife, shes my best friend. The love of her life is sitting in their waiting to see if her two best friends are going to die or not, dont take her away too." Draco yelled.

Snape sighed and stared at him. His eyebrows knotted and he grunted.

" fine. Take the guns in my car. DONT, get hurt." Snape seethed.

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