Overwhelming Determination

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Izuku had made it on time before Kyoka got to the field. He took his seat beside Tokoyami, but Iida was no where to be seen. "Wheres Iida, Tokoyami? I hope I-I didn't throw h-him to hard." Izuku stuttered out and Tokoyami faced him. "He said there was a family matter he needed to take care of. It's a shame, he will miss your final fight." Tokoyami stated and Izuku looked turned his attention to the battle field. 

"Yea..." Izuku knew if Kyoka won this fight, they would have to fight in the finals. Although Izuku was entirely up to it, he wasn't going to let that stop him from winning. Izuku knew that Kyoka would kill him if he went too easy on her.

"Alright! Folks get your socks back on because it's the final match of the semi finals!"

"We have the explosive teenager with an equally explosive attitude! It's Katsuki Bakugo from the hero course!"

"And we have the girl who will make your ears bleed with her own ears! Also from the hero course Kyoka Jiro!"

Izuku looked intensely at the field, he didn't know what outcome he wanted. He wanted her to win, but he didn't want to hit Kyoka himself, especially if it was with his quirk.

The two teens were silent towards each other. Bakugo had his normal angry, red eyed look on his face and Kyoka had her normal bored look with a sweat drop. 


To Kyoka's surprise, Bakugo charged towards her. She expected him to want her to come to him, but instead he charged towards her. Bakugo threw a right hook with his quirk and Kyoka side stepped and dodged the explosion. Bakugo turned to her and hit her with an explosion to the gut and Kyoka groaned in pain as she slid back a bit. 

Kyoka was at a clear disadvantage here, Bakugo's quirk was made for close quarters combat. Although Kyoka had her jacks to use as whips, they were nothing compared to Bakugo's explosions. 

Bakugo went for another explosion and this time, he used his left arm. Kyoka tried to defend with her jacks, but Bakugo hit both of them with an explosion. Kyoka held behind a small whimper to hold the pain in. Although her jacks were very durable, it didn't mean thry didn't make Kyoka feel pain when they got injured.

Bakugo landed the explosion to Kyoka's gut once more, but during this Kyoka grabbed Bakugo's arm and threw him over herself. 'I didn't spend these two weeks of training doing nothing!' Kyoka yelled out in her mind as Bakugo's body hit the ground. He groaned in pain when that happened. 

Bakugo got up and flew at Kyoka using his explosions and set an even larger explosion at her. The field was covered in smoke. 

Izuku watching this, did it the the shadow of his hair covering his eyes and his mouth expression was dull. No one in his class really noticed this as they were trying to focus on the fight in front of them. Kaminari had a shit eating smirk on his face watching this fight.

Bakugo saw a shadow in the smoke and attacked it using his explosions, but what he pinned was not what he was expecting. 'Her earjack? From behind!' Bakugo shouted out in his mind as Kyoka was about to attack him with her right jack which wasn't pinned. The moment her jack came in contact with him, Bakugo let off and explosion on the ground and her left jack, this made Kyoka retract her jacks as she felt a ringing pain in her ears. 

"It seems like Jiro's plan had failed." Tokoyami stated and he looked over at Izuku due to him not responding. He was in the same position as before, shadow of his hair covering his eyes and a dull expression on his mouth. Tokoyami turned his head to the fight as he knew it was best to leave him alone at the moment.

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