結語 (epilogue)

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>最終章|| Final Chapter<

(1年後|| 1 years later)

"Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna go, hold on~!" Sunoo hangs up Jungwon's call as he packs his things up.

"Sir Sunwoo, would you please sign—"

"Sorry, I can't, I have to go to my friend's place right now, Bye~!" Sunoo ran away from his employee and hopped in Heeseung's car. "Jungwon's place, faster~!" Sunoo placed his seatbelt immediately.

"Oh! Yes, sir Sunwoo!" Heeseung drove immediately, teasing Sunoo with the name he's being called at their company.

"Don't call me like that." Sunoo rolled his eyes. He didn't really like anyone calling him by what his employees call him. "Please hurry up and go to his house! I haven't even done anything."

They soon arrived in just a couple of minutes and Jungwon greeted him immediately. "Jake planned all of this, I'm not really sure if it's nice, what do you think?"

"I decorated everything like what you told me to so I did my best," Jake remarked.

Sunoo looked at the food, decorations, and arrangements. "Thanks, Jake~! Ni-ki will like all of this!"

"So when are they coming?" Heeseung asked as he helped himself to the mini muffins.

Jungwon looked at his phone for any upcoming messages from his own lover. "Jay's picking him up, they should be here in any minute—"

ding dong

"They're here!" Sunoo exclaimed. "Everyone, get to your places, okay?" He commanded, everyone following his orders.

Jay slowly opened the door for Ni-ki as they both enter Jungwon's house.

"Happy birthday Ni-ki, Happy birthday Ni-ki~ Happy birthday, Happy birthday~ Happy birthday Ni-ki~!" Everyone welcomed the two with a birthday song, all for the sweetest boy.

Sunoo held Ni-ki's hand as they both entered the dining room filled with decorations and food. "It isn't much but Jake, Jungwon, Heeseung, and I did our best."

"Wah~!" Ni-ki sat down with the rest, looking around the well-decorated place. "Thank you, everyone! I really appreciate it."

Jungwon then placed a candle on the cake, waiting for Ni-ki to make a wish and blow. "Come on, make a wish!"

Ni-ki looked at Sunoo first who seemed excited before he closed his eyes, making a wish silently. He then opened them again and blew the candle, looking at everyone else. "Yey! Thank you so much again, everyone~!"

"What did you wish for, Ni-ki boy?" Jay asks Ni-ki as he eats the fried chicken on the table.

"Secret~" Ni-ki winked at Jay. "You'll know later."

"I think I know what's gonna happen! Like those in kdramas—"

"Shut up, I don't think anyone wants to listen to you right now." Jungwon cuts off Jake by placing rice in his mouth.

Sunoo smiled as he ate the cake first. "It's been 3 years, but no one has changed at all..."

"I'm kinda sad that Sunghoon isn't here with us." Jake frowned, eating the rice Jungwon placed on his mouth. "He was my ideal type, you know?"

Everyone's smiles quickly faded away as they looked at Sunoo. They all know that Sunoo was the one who will feel sensitive about this topic since he would usually change the topic into something else when they talk about Sunghoon.

"Ugh, why do you have to bring up such a sensitive topic on such a fun day, hmm?" Jungwon cuts off the silence, awkwardly laughing. "Come on, let's just have fun!"

Sunoo smiled again and raised his glass in the air. "Let's treasure the memories we had with those who are now gone and expect more memories in the future~! Cheers?"

Everyone raised their glasses. "Cheers~!"

Sunoo is now 21 years old, officially the heir of the Sunwoo group. Ni-ki's now 19, still a baby, but he's also the director of their family's hospital. Jay's still a doctor, Jungwon's finally achieved his dream of becoming an actor, and Jake, well... he's a host on radio shows.

"Speaking of memories for the future, why don't we start one now, Sunoo?" Ni-ki asks Sunoo as he pulls something out of his pocket.

"What do you mean?" Sunoo was confused.

Ni-ki stood on his knees and held Sunoo's hand. "Uhh... will you—"

"Yes~!" Sunoo hasn't even heard the whole sentence but he knew Ni-ki was proposing to him. 

Ni-ki smiled as he inserted the ring in Sunoo's finger. He then hugged Sunoo tightly, not wanting to let go of this moment. "I love you, Sunoo."

"We're on the same page, then." Sunoo smiled, eyes forming like a crescent moon that will never leave you when the day comes.

"Ohh~! How rude! Can't you see we're eating here? Plus, why didn't you propose like that to me, huh?!" Jungwon frowned, glaring at Jay who just ruffled his hair.

"But you were blushing a lot on the day I proposed to you and you even twerked yourself to sleep-"

"Okay, never mind!" Jungwon cuts off Jay as he squishes his cheeks full of aggression.

"Who needs a love when I have a pretty cool best friend right here~" Heeseung looked at Jake who almost choked on his food.

Jake laughed awkwardly, avoiding Heeseung's gaze. "Y-yeah! Cool best friends~! Just don't look at me like that again." He then continued eating his food as Heeseung hugged him tightly.

On the other hand, Sunoo and Jungwonwent immediately to the bathroom.

Sunoo kept blushing that he had to ask Jungwon to throw water at his face. "Is it gone?"

"Bro no, you're still blushing like a tomato—"

"Hi, is Sunoo here?" Ni-ki entered the bathroom, smiling at Sunoo after cutting Jungwon's words off. "Sunoo! There's still more cake there, do you want me to fetch you some?"

The way Ni-ki smiled and called Sunoo just made him blush even more. "Ah, yeah! I'll go myself, you don't need to come here." He then left the bathroom, avoiding Ni-ki so that he won't blush harder.

"I was just about to ask if you wanted to sleep together tonight and do some-"

"Oh- OH! Uhm, I'm about to leave anyway, I don't need to know what you guys are about to do in your bedroom... Ew..." Jungwon awkwardly leaves the bathroom.

Sunoo tilted his head, confused about what Jungwon's thinking. "What in the world... What is wrong with him today, huh?"

Ni-ki shrugged, not knowing what Jungwon meant to say too. "I was gonna ask if you wanna watch a movie together."

"Ah, okay! Sure!" Sunoo laughed, hugging Ni-ki as they both stared at each other. "I hope I didn't break your promise of spending your birthday together. I'm so sorry I didn't spend it with you last year."

"It's okay." Ni-ki smiled as he watched Sunoo's eyes glow with love. "At least you're worth more than just ten months."

Sunoo pulled Ni-ki as they walked to Jungwon's terrace. "Your ten months love?"

Ni-ki looked at the sky, watching birds fly across. "You'll always be my ten months love."

>終わり|| The end<

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