2: 痛み (pain)

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"Hi! I'm Kim Sunoo, the boy who guided you to this school this morning. Nice to meet you." Sunoo kindly says to Ni-ki since the teacher was right in front of them and he didn't want the teacher to hear his shitty descriptions about Ni-ki.

"I'm Ni-ki," Ni-ki says with a crooked smile. It was obvious that he also wanted to give a good impression on the teacher.

"It seems like you and Sunoo are going along really well! Sunoo, you toured him around this morning?" The teacher asked, shaking up Sunoo since they didn't do that.

"Oh, uhm— Yes! We did it this morning, Ma'am! He loved—"

"I had to get my books from the office so we really didn't tour around the school yet." Ni-ki cut off Sunoo, confusing him by actually saying the truth.

"Well then, I'm expecting you both to do it, alright? Now, may you excuse me to teach the class our latest lesson." The teacher explains as she walks back in front of the classroom.

And as soon as she left the two, Sunoo rolled his eyes and Ni-ki was back to being the bitch he is.

Sunoo opened his book and started answering the task the teacher gave them.

"I see, you're a nerd. Perfect for an emo bad boy, don't you think?" Ni-ki winked as if he was courting Sunoo or something.

"Shut up, please? We're having class and that's not a very nice thing to say, Ni-ki." Sunoo faked a smile, emphasizing every word since he is saying it with sarcasm.

"I'm feeling really thirsty." Ni-ki took a bottle of water from his bag and drank from it. After that, he left a bit of water and spilled it accidentally on Sunoo's book.

"Hey!" Sunoo shouted, but not so loudly, only for a few of his classmates to hear. He looked at Ni-ki while his book was soaking wet.

"I'm sorry, it was accidental." Ni-ki laughed, putting back the bottle in his bag.

Sunoo let out a sigh as he raised his hand, asking the teacher to excuse himself. "Miss, may I go to the washroom?"

"Of course." The teacher replied before she started continuing her lesson.

Sunoo walked out of the room with the wet book behind his back and ran to the washroom.

"If it isn't enough for me to be a weak 18 year old, the universe even gifted me with that piece of shit. I'm very honored, universe!" Sunoo thought to himself as he dried the book with the washroom's hand drier.

The little sunshine just took a deep breath and filled his head with positive thoughts. He was the sunshine anyway.

He walked back to the classroom with a dried book in his hand, sat in his place, and didn't even wanna look at Ni-ki anymore.

"Class... dismissed!" The teacher said as all students pick their things up.

Sunoo felt happy to leave the room, but then...

"Hey, Kim Sunoo." Ni-ki screamed inside the classroom as soon as the teacher left.

"Yeah? What do you want?" Sunoo remarked, looking at him with flaming eyes.

"Woah, don't talk to the bad boy like that, you don't know what bad boys can do." Ni-ki laughed as he wore his backpack messily. "Ma'am told us that you should tour me around the school. Don't tell me you're going to leave your extra credit around."

"Fine." Sunoo rolled his eyes as he lead the way to tour Ni-ki around since he didn't have a choice.

He didn't want to ruin his reputation of being a burst of positive sunshine.

Once they reached the garden, Sunoo stopped his tracks and faced Ni-ki.

"Stop the act. You have things to do, I have things to do. I'm not feeling well either." Sunoo mumbles as he walked past Ni-ki.

Ni-ki held onto the strap of Sunoo's bag which stopped him from walking away. "You shouldn't act like this to a new student, how dare you?" He pulled Sunoo's strap closer to him, making him hit Ni-ki's chest.

"Let me go—"

"Shut up." Ni-ki slapped Sunoo who fell to the floor because of the force of the slap.

Sunoo's face was welcomed by the concrete floor, and the pain was unbearable.

But Ni-ki wasn't finished yet.

He took Sunoo's bag and started shaking everything out of it.

"I hope you're gonna study well~" Ni-ki smiles and drops Sunoo's bag to the floor as he leaves Sunoo behind.

"Why are you so mean?" Sunoo wiped his tears with his hand and realized that there was blood on his cheek.

Ni-ki kneeled down and lifted Sunoo's chin. "You're asking me why I'm mean, huh? Don't ask me. The society made me like this."

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