7: 嫉妬 (jealousy)

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"I'm so excited to see that bitch cry or punch me in the face after knowing I didn't come to Saturday's date!" Ni-ki thought to himself.

He passed by Sunoo's locker to check if he was there but he wasn't.

He also went to their classroom in case he was already there, but no.

"Where is he?" Ni-ki whispered to himself.

He was going to get some soda from the vending machine on the rooftop when he heard some people chattering.

He hid behind the vending machine so that he wouldn't be noticed.

"Oh my gosh, Gaeul really did that? He's such a cute boy!" Says a voice that seemed familiar.

And that's when he realized that it was Sunoo together with a tall man.

Assuming from the height, this is a senior, and yes, he's with Sunghoon.

"Sunoo... Are you taken?" A sudden question from the elder.

"No... Why?"

"Oh okay. That's cool." The elder tried his best to hide his smile from Sunoo.

Ni-ki was about to leave the boring conversation and just decided to see Sunoo in the room but then...

"Sunoo... I like you."

Those words stopped Ni-ki from his tracks and went back to look at the two.

"Hmm?" Sunoo asks, not hearing what the elder had told him.

"I like you, Sunoo..."

Sunoo's smile quickly faded away, and now he was blushing like a tomato.

"Are you okay with it somehow... I hope this won't break our friendship."

"Oh, wow. I didn't know about this." Sunoo says shyly. "I thought this was a one-sided love. I like you too, Sunghoon."

Ni-ki just stood there while the two were already leaving and giggling.

He was still processing the new information he has heard.

He shouldn't feel Jealous, but somehow he is...

"So that's why he's been ignoring me." Ni-ki's hand formed a fist, not able to control his anger.

He went back to the classroom and as he expected, Sunoo was looking at the window again with an even bigger smile on his face.

He didn't want to bother Sunoo either because he needed to process everything that just happened before his eyes.

It took Ni-ki minutes to process things, then he suddenly had a plan. "I'm going to make Sunoo do more things for me so that he'll have little time to spend with that Senior." Ni-ki thought to himself.

The bell rang and Sunoo was ready to leave the classroom and meet Sunghoon.

He was living the best day of his life!

But unfortunately, Ni-ki stopped him from walking. "Hey. I want you to help me answer my book... please?"

Sunoo was confused why Ni-ki suddenly used a magic word when he thought of him as a mean dumb shit. "Are you sure you don't understand something in your book or do you just not want me to leave the classroom so you can annoy me even more?"

"Both. Just help me already, I don't wanna keep waiting." Ni-ki handed Sunoo his books as he pulled the elder's hand, walking back to the classroom with him. "Help me understand all those questions." He sat down on his seat as he stared at Sunoo's eyes.

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