10: 友達 (friends)

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After their first day of the tour, students finally got the chance to go in their own ways.

Ni-ki wanted to go to their hotel already since it's been a long day, but Sunoo wanted to eat and look around more. What can he do? When you love someone, you can't just deny it easily.

"Can't we just stay at the hotel and rest? I'm so tired." Ni-ki placed his hands inside his pocket, feeling the cold winter airbrush past through him. "Plus, it's cold. I don't want to freeze here."

"Tsk, don't worry about that! It's such a waste we came all the way here yet we won't have fun!" Sunoo nudged Ni-ki hugging him tightly to convince the younger even more. "Let's catch some photos too!"

Ni-ki shook his head, still not agreeing to join Sunoo. "It's cold, something might happen to you— I mean, us."

Sunoo pouted, pulling out his phone as he finally gave up convincing Ni-ki. "Fine, if you don't want, I'll just be with Sunghoon—"

"Nevermind, I'm coming." As soon as Ni-ki heard Sunghoon's name, he immediately agreed. "What are you doing, let's go!"

"I— You just said you didn't want to come with me!" Sunoo exclaimed as he's being dragged by Ni-ki. "Hey! I already messaged Sunghoon and he was so fast to see it so..."

Ni-ki stopped dragging Sunoo then placed his hands on his waist. "So he's supposed to come with you?" He asked, earning a nod from Sunoo. "Well, we can go all together, right?"

"Oh my! That's actually gonna be fun~!" Sunoo started jumping up and down just by thinking of it. "Sunghoon and you also need to get along so this is actually a nice idea."

"Sunoo!" Sunghoon greeted Sunoo with a huge smile as he came from the stairs. His smile slowly dropped when he saw Ni-ki. "Oh, Hi... Ni-ki."

Ni-ki faked a smile as he waved his hand to say hello. "Sunoo invited both of us to have fun with him."

"I know, right?" Sunghoon started laughing sarcastically, even hitting Ni-ki's arm. "I hope we'll really get close to each other."

"Of course, I'm Ni-ki after all." At this point, Ni-ki and Sunghoon are acting so fishy but being the slow-minded kid Sunoo is, he actually thinks they're getting along.

Sunoo wrapped both his arms between Sunghoon and Ni-ki, making him stand between tallboys. "Let's eat lots of food then watch a movie~!"


"Wow, this place is so big!" Sunoo's eyes shined as he looked around the cinema. "I'm gonna go take a shit, get us lots of popcorn and I want middle seats, okay?" He then handed Sunghoon his things as he left both of them alone.

Sunghoon and Ni-ki avoided each other's gazes as they asked each other questions.

"I'm gonna get the tickets, you go get the snacks." Sunghoon handed Ni-ki Sunoo's wallet as he hurriedly avoided looking at him again. "What? Do you have any objections?"

Ni-ki slowly went close to Sunghoon which shocked him. "I don't really like socializing and that includes talking to other people."

"What? So you want me to go with you, huh?" Sunghoon lowkey laughed after seeing Ni-ki's baby side. "Okay, fine. Just don't touch me."

"The fuck? I won't be touching you anyway—"

"Fine, I'll leave you alone here if you don't stop disrespecting me." Sunghoon clearly stated, scaring Ni-ki so he just kept quiet and stayed behind Sunghoon.

Sunghoon and Ni-ki both went to the snack bar together, wondering what to get. "Ni-ki, what flavor of popcorn do you want?"

"Why are you asking me?" Ni-ki shook his head, glaring at Sunghoon. "I'll get whatever Sunoo wants."

"That's the point, I don't know what Sunoo wants so I'm asking you instead."

Ni-ki looked at Sunghoon, eyes sparkling as he thought that maybe being with Sunghoon isn't that bad at all. "Uhm, cheese."

"Okay." Sunghoon handed the money to the cashier, looking as attractive as ever. At this point, Ni-ki might just—

"Woah! Sunghoon, did you really order my favorite flavor of popcorn?" Sunoo ran towards the two, standing between them once again which made Ni-ki remember that he has Sunoo. "Or was it you, Ni-ki?"

Sunghoon laughed, holding Sunoo's hand tightly. "Yeah, Ni-ki chose it."

Sunoo's eyes beamed with light, adoring Ni-ki even more. "Wow, thank you! I didn't know you know a lot about me, teehee."

"Nope, Sunghoon just asked me what's my favorite— Ouch!"

Sunghoon stepped on Ni-ki's toes, smiling at Sunoo to ask a favor. "Woah! Sunoo, can you get the tickets for us? Ni-ki and I still have to choose a few more snacks and if we don't get tickets now, we might not be able to get in time."

Sunoo immediately nodded his head, taking his wallet back as he went to get the tickets. "Sure, I'll leave you guys once again!"

Once Sunoo left, Ni-ki took the opportunity to step on Sunghoon's toes just like he did a while ago. "Now tell me why you shut me out and stepped on my toes." He asked as they both order more snacks.

"I know you like Sunoo so I'm helping you get him," Sunghoon replied as he chose the selections for them. "Well, he's my boyfriend but you did a lot of bad things to him so I was thinking that he should see your kind side so you guys can be friends."

"Tsk, friends? Only?" Ni-ki laughed as he held the snacks, leaving the snack bar with Sunghoon. "You do know I'm trying my best to separate both of you?"

"Yes. And I'm not letting that happen." Sunghoon faked a smile once again as they meet up with Sunoo, entering the movie room. "Let's enjoy today without being jealous, we're friends after all."

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