I awkwardly stood up and walked slowly over to him, attempting to not make a sound.

"Phil?", I whispered once more, this time I was standing above him.
"D-Dan?", he shuddered, cold from the blistering chill; he'd left his coat inside and obviously wouldn't be getting it back anytime soon.

He peered up from under his scruffy fringe, locking his eyes on mine. 
His brilliant blue eyes flickered with despair, causing my heart to throb with guilt.

"So you were being serious back there?", I asked, kneeling down to comfort him.
"Of course I was, what made you think I wasn't?", Phil sniffed, rubbing his sore eyes.
"You seemed too comfortable, almost as if you were faking it", I mumbled, watching his expression turn even more gloomy.
"I would never fake anything. My heart always speaks the truth Dan", he said, putting his hand on my knee.
"I'm so sorry for what happened", I sniffed, almost wanting to cry myself, "I was stupid, please forgive me".
"Of course I forgive you", he smiled; his mood was brightening up slightly more now.
"Hug?", I offered, gently stretching out my arms.
"Yes please!", Phil grinned, leaping onto me and pulling me into a tight embrace.

Our bodies were so close together that we managed to maintain warmth by continuously hugging.

This was nice.
This was amazing.

"Hey, we should get back to my place, it's kinda dark", I whispered into his ear politely.

I didn't like being outside a homophobe's snob mansion.
I did like being with Phil though, no doubt about it.

"Ooh, I see where this is going", he giggled, poking me on the nose.
"Yeah right", I laughed, offering him a hand up.
"Aww, what a shame", he snickered, grabbing my hand daintily before strolling along back to my house.


*Phil's POV*

To be honest, I didn't really know which way to go to get back to Dan's house... I was just constantly gazing across at him.

I didn't mind about what had happened earlier, it was mostly my fault.
I got a bit too... um... 'excited',

I think Dan actually didn't mind it though at first, because I could feel his lust...
I'm serious. o_o


 I admiringly stared across at Dan as we continued to walk back to his house.

His gorgeous deep chocolate eyes twinkled in the fantastic beam of the light coming from the full moon that hung in the black speckled sky.
His hair lay perfectly upon his pure skin until he turned to look at me, making me blush as he noticed my obvious fondness for him.

"You're beautiful, you know that right, Dan?", I sighed, causing his face to flush red in return.

"Thank you", he smiled, "You're stunning".
"Not nearly as much as you are", I replied, watching him look away in embarrassment.

 I squeezed his hand slightly to express my affection.

"You're too adorable", Dan turned to face me, stopping in his tracks.
"I am?", I asked, now standing beside him.

We gazed up at the moon and then at each other.

"I could just kiss you", Dan sighed, tilting his head.
"Why not?", I replied, taking a step closer to him.
"Because you're so cheesy at the same time", he giggled, "But I'll kiss you anyway".
"You better-", I started before he reunited our lips.

He flung his arms around me, pulling me close.

"I've been waiting so long for this", I mumbled.

Dan pulled away, supposedly confused by my statement.
"But we kissed yesterday during that Polo straw game, remember?", He questioned me.

"Yeah, but it felt like I forced you into it, plus the others were watching so that made it even more awkward. This is more... natural. I like this more.", I reassured him, pressing my lips against his.
"Good", he moaned into the kiss.


Dan opened the door to his house, letting me in first.

"Thank yah", I laughed.

I began to prance around the hall, admiring the beautiful wallpaper.

"Sexy walls you've got there", I said, stroking the wallpaper as if I had an interior design fetish or something.
"...Uh thanks?", Dan replied, bemused by my comment.
"Are we sleeping in your bedroom?", I asked, grabbing his hand.
"Yeah, sure", he smiled, tugging me upstairs.

I brushed my hand across the walls as we walked to his door.
His house felt really welcoming; I could get used to this.

I mean...
Give it a few years...
Then I'll move in.

*Cough* ...what... '-'

"Welcome to my humble abode", Dan cheered, beckoning me inside his room.
"Nice bed", I shouted, plunging onto it and pulling a risky pose.
"Stop it you", He giggled, sitting next to me.
"You love it really", I placed my arm around his neck, pulling him towards me before placing a kiss on his temple.

He then let out the most cute yawn physically possible and flopped onto his back, pulling the duvet over his head.

"You're lucky I have a double bed", Dan murmured tiredly, "otherwise you'd have to sleep on the floor, haha".
"Or I could sleep squished beside you... or even better; on top of you again", I winked.

I could see him smile slightly.
I knew he liked it when I slept on top of him, hehe.

"Shut up and sleep with me- Oh that sounds baaad...", He snorted, covering his face with his palms.
"Gladly", I plonked myself beside him, tucking myself under the covers and wrapping my arms around him.

"If only the weather were hotter", I sighed, squeezing Dan tighter.
"Why's that?", He squeaked.
"Because then you'd be topless", I giggled.
"You're so naughty", He chuckled, turning around to face me.

He delicately kissed me on the lips for a few seconds, "Good night".
"Love you", I whispered, holding him close.
"I love you too".

Dan flicked off the light and we dozed off within minutes.

Phan: Blurred Admirer - High School AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن