Chapter 7: my wolf is a dude?

Start from the beginning

„Stay away from me." I stood up quickly and backed up toward the other side of the room, away from him.

Confusion flashed across his face quickly, before being replaced with hurt.

„But, I don't understand. Don't you feel it?" He insisted. He looked so sad it almost made me feel empathy, almost.

Little one not ready, stay away from mate." My wolf made himself known again, speaking in a guttural voice.

„Stay. Away. From. Me." I repeated slowly, a cold sweat breaking out on my back. It would be nice to trust him, to not freak out. But that went against everything my life had taught me

„Noelle." I whirled back to Josephine at the sound of her voice. „Please sit down, Alpha will not come closer if you do not wish it. You can trust me on that."

But I didn't trust her, not on anything. I did not know her, and just because she was a girl didn't mean she was on my side. I had learned that the hard way. Doubt swam through me.

Deciding that trusting her would be my only option right now, considering the man actually blocked the way to my freedom, I slowly walked back to the armchair and sat back down, facing Josephine again.

„Don't you feel the mate pull? You should be yearning for Lorenzo's attention and touch." She enquirer with caution.

„Oh I can assure you, I don't want to be anywhere near him." I grit through my teeth. On the other side of the room, there was a small yelp.

„But- are you sure you heard your wolf? She should have gone wild trying to get close to him..." she now looked a bit suspicious.

I AM MALE!" rang through my head but I decided to ignored the testosterone induced beast.

„I am quite sure, yes." I instead replied to Josephine.

„Hasn't she said anything about him? About the mate bond?" When had this girl turned into an inquisitor?

„H- She just said to stay away from him." Another pained yelp could be heard from across the room but I was unable to give it a second thought because of the mind-piercing growl that resonated inside of my head.

„SHE??? I am no she! I am a HE! How dare you undermine me like this? I will not let you misgender me on purpose like this, letting everyone think I am female. HOW DARE YOU."

HoW DaRe YoU mIsGeNdEr Me On PuRpOsE. This was about survival and gathering information buddy, not about you. The snarl I heard in return was slightly unnerving, but considering this guy only lives in my head and can't actually physically hurt me, I wasn't too worried anymore.

„Said something about me not being ready, whatever that means." I added as an afterthought.

The two other people in the room immediately made eye contact, was I missing anything?

„Do you think she could..." Josephine addressed Lorenzo.

„That's not possible. No wolf is that powerful, she wouldn't be able to have such control over her instincts." He answered her, but he looked pained none the less, though that might have only been bewilderment.

Josephine seemed to think my previous answer through, focusing on me as if that would give her the answers she seeks.

„Her wolf held herself back for years, being dormant like that, I would say she's got some impressive control over her instincts...think about it, how could her wolf keep from making herself known for all these years? Her human was being mistreated and hurt, surrounded by vile human trash. That bitch was willingly dormant, probably using all of her energy to help Noelle survive without putting her in danger. That wolf knew exactly what she was doing."

Josephine made a face like she just cracked the DaVinci code.

I was about to make an outraged comment about me not being a bitch to Josephine, considering I even gave up my escape to make her stop crying, but the other person inside my head was quicker.

She wouldn't have called me a bitch if you had said I was male. This is humiliating." That made my mouth open into an outraged scoff.

Before I could give the asshole a piece of my mind, my eye caught Lorenzo's shocked expression. Seems like Josephine might actually have some detective skill inside of her, cause Lorenzo also looked like she just cracked the DaVinci code.

Then both turned back to me, fixing my with intense stares that were making me quite uncomfortable. Before I could stop myself, I started talking in order to diffuse the tension.

„I have a confession to make." Actually. „But first I need to let you know that it is NOT okay to call anyone a bitch. I mean if it's to your friend and you know she's okay with it cause it's in a friendly way that's okay. But this was definitely NOT in a friendly way and you are definitely NOT my friend, so you need to apologize."

I looked at Josephine expectantly, waiting. She did seem a bit hurt, but she made her bed.

„I- I'm sorry luna" She seemed half shocked and half like a scolded child when it knows it made a mistake. „I should have known not to use that word when you are not used to it, it will not happen again i swear it on my life."

Well this was a bit much...

„Alright, now about the confession. Remember when you assumed that I had my wolf and I didn't correct you? Well you assumed something else I should have corrected you on."

Now she looked confused again. Both of them looked confused and expectant.

„You were mistaken about my wolf's's a guy."

I couldn't focus on the shouting that began, because there was already shouting in my head.


Hiiiiii. I had some time so here's another update!
I hope you enjoyed it, let me know by voting or commenting ;)

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