"I just think that it's meant to be," Dina said, her words muffled slightly by the sound of chairs being stacked. Montana subtly peered over as she wiped down the table in front of her. "I mean, your zodiac signs are very compatible."

Montana's eyebrows raised. "Our zodiac signs?"

"Yeah, you're a Taurus, he's a Pisces, right?" Dina asked, casting a brief look over at her.

Montana suppressed a small giggle. "Yeah, I think so."

"You should get into astrology," Dina then suggested. She'd disappeared behind a mountain of chairs, but Montana could just about see her dark curly hair peeking out. "It would fit, like, your whole aesthetic."

"What's my aesthetic?" Montana asked curiously.

Dina stepped out from behind the chairs with a smile. "You're very earthy."

"Is that a...good thing?" Montana questioned, straightening up from her hunched over position. She picked up the washcloth, preparing to move to the next table.

"Yes," Dina's smile grew as she watched her. "So, when Jacob picks you up, what are your plans?"

Montana chose to ignore the suggestive wiggle of eyebrows. "Probably going straight to sleep."

Dina's face lit up. "Together?"

"No!" Montana dismissed quickly. Dina laughed at her reaction, and Montana cracked a small smile. "He's always so tired from working, and so am I."

"He seems to work a lot," Dina noted.

Montana focused her attention on the tables again. "Busy time of year," she lied. "What about you?" Montana quickly changed the subject. "Plans for tonight?"

"My dads are on a weekend mini break, so I'm using the quietness to study with Sian," Dina replied. "Kind of boring, right?"

"Well, in that case, we're both having boring Saturday nights," Montana assured her.

"Yeah, but you get to spend it with your crush!" Dina pointed out, grinning over at her again. "Do you think you'll kiss?"

Oh god, she hadn't even thought about that.

"Uh, I have no idea," Montana answered. Her heart started racing. "I mean, it's all kinda confusing right now."

"You two should talk about it," Dina suggested, crossing the room towards her. Montana placed the cleaning products down on the table. "It seems like Jacob wants to, but he's just busy, and maybe also a little afraid that you don't want the same things? I mean, he's obviously had these deep feelings for you for a long time, and was really afraid of rejection. And now you've kissed, it should be the start of something but you're both hesitant on how to initiate it, and he doesn't want to pressure you in any way...But that makes you a bit unsure, and because he's busy you don't want to bother him either, so you won't instigate it."

Montana blinked. "How did you get this good a reading people?"

Dina had literally only met Jacob once. Montana had no idea how she got all that from one interaction and the small bits of information she had told her.

Dina shrugged. "I'm just perceptive," A small smile graced her lips. "And a good listener."

"Meanwhile, I'm probably the most oblivious person on the planet," Montana said despairingly.

"I think it's sweet," Dina countered. "Jacob might not appreciate it though."

They both laughed. "I mean, considering how many of his signs I've missed–"

Midnight » Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now