Chapter 14

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Really Short or just Short Chap:

He really wants to talk about that .

I snickered

" Talk about what happen five years ago?, what's there to explain? You cheated on me" In said , annoyed

" No I didn't , I want to talk about the fact that I didn't cheat on you and you left me to go to Seoul " He said in defence .

I just rolled my eyes

" What I saw with my eyes I know is the truth , so just leave me alone , I'm not talking to you , your my ex boyfriend . I don't ever want to see you again, I'm done with you . " I said , swinging his hand away .

I turned around and began to walk away .

But he grabbed me by the arm and tug me back .

" let me explain " He said .

I had my back facing him

" DongHae.... I still Love You" he said calmly

I sighed

" I don't want to hear you explain now ..... So just leave me alone "

I said , sniffling

I'm crying ?

I cant believe that I'm crying .......

Kyuhyun slowly Let go of my arm

I walked away

" we will talk later" I said as I was exiting the room .

As I took a couple of steps in the hallway I looked back

There was no one behind me

" hmmm weird .... It felt like someone was there " I whispered quietly to myself .


I headed inside my dorm room.

EunHyuk wasn't in there .

I saw a note on my bed

I walked to my bed, grabbed the note and began to read it

* Went out to hang with Heechul for a little , I know your going to miss me so I'm only going to be gone for 40-50minutes. So don't miss me so much *

I chuckled .

Who said I was going to miss you?

You probably just don't want to be away from me for so long .

I chuckled again .

I crumpled of the note and tossed it into the garbage can that was near the bottom of my bed .

I plopped onto my bed and cuddled with my pillow ......

Should I really let Kyuhyun explain it to me....

I bit my lip .

Suddenly I heard a knock at the door .

I quickly got up and walked to the door

I opened it seeing SungMin looking at me ...

I'm anger...?

Why does he look so angry ?

He walked pass me and stood in the middle of my room

I slowly closed the door .

" Why do yo-"

" Why didn't you tell me " SungMin said , cutting me off, turning his body , facing me,

I looked at him in confusion .

" tell you what? " I said .

" Don't play dumb with me DongHae " Sungmin said , in rage

" Look SungMin , I have no idea what your talki-

" Why didn't you tell me Kyuhyun was your ex boyfriend!" He yelled grabbing me by the collar of my shirt .

My eyes widen in shock

" H-How did you know ? " I stuttered .

" I overheard you two speaking in the dance studio" he said in anger .

" now tell me...." He said quietly , but still in anger

" Why didn't you tell me?" SungMin said and tighten his grip on my shirt collar .

That's the ending of this chapter
Hope you guys like it ^^

Sorry that it was so short xD

Q: what do you think will happen in the next chapter?

Ran out of ideas again , so probably will take a couple of days for the next chapter.

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