Chapter 2

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Me and EunHyuk just stared at each other in silence

Why....Why out of all the students in this school.... EunHyuk has to be my roommate ...

" I said ... Why the hell are you in my room ? Are you deaf " he said annoyed walking towards me .

" I was told this is my R-room ...." I said stuttering

" get out " he said in a serious tone

" what ? "

" I don't want to have you as a roommate , out of all people ....." He said annoyed

Okay ... Picking on me ... I can handle that .... But him kicking me out of where I have to live for now ... I'm not taking that

" well . I was told that this is my room and I'll be living here , so Im staying " I said calmly .

EunHyuk came up to me and grabbed me by the collar , making me stand up .

" your not staying here ." He said in a serious tone

" it's lunch time .... " I said , removed his hands from my collar and walked out of the room


The food looked soo delicious ...

How badly I wish I was rich sometimes...

But all I took was a salad and a bottle of water ... I don't have that big of a appetite ..

I sat down at a empty table and started to eat a little bit of the salad .....

Suddenly some guy with a baby face , jumped out of nowhere and sat beside me , which made me jump in surprise

" hi there new kid! " he said cheerfully .

I just smiled at him in respond

He put his hand I front of him showing he wants to shake hands

" the name is Lee SungMin , nice to meet ya "

I shook his hand " Lee DongHae ..." I responded quietly .

Suddenly he pinched my cheeks

" awww your so cute " he said smiling at me

I just blinked at him .

" oh by the way I just want to warn you about something ..." He said , letting go of my face .

I continued to stare at him

" your going to end up becoming a new pray to KangIn and the rest of the group " he said in a worried tone

" to who ? "

I looked at him confuse

" you know ... Those group of people that will bully you all the time ... Beat you up .... Steal your money .... " he explain

" Ohh i never had those type of people at my old school ... But I know what your talking about , but why me? " I said continuing to eat my salad .

" because your talking to EunHyuk "

I dropped my fork ...

" what about EunHyuk ? " I said looking at him weird

" most of the school knows your roommates .... And some students told most of the school that they saw you and EunHyuk come out of a empty classroom "

I gulped .

" Hey new kid ." I heard a un familiar voice call me

" speaking of them .... Be careful " SungMin whispered to me

A guy came up to me . I looked up and saw a big guy standing beside me with his hands in his pockets .... I don't mean big in as in fat ... But big as in musclier ..

Beside him was a guy with medium length hair , glaring at me ....

And behind them .... EunHyuk ?

" how are you liking school , new kid ? " the one buff guy said

" it's alright " I calmly said ...

" that's a really nice salad ... To bad it has to go to waste ...." He said in a sad tone ... But I could tell it wasn't ment to be said like that

" what do you me-"

Before I could say anything else , the boy with the long hair dumped the salad all over my head and body .

" What the hell!?" SungMin yelled

" don't but in if you don't want to get hurt . " The buff guy said to him , making Sungmin sit back down ...

I looked at Sungmin " I'm sorry " he mouthed to me . I just smiled him mouthing " it's okay " to him

" I'm sorry new kid.... You got salad dressing all over you .... Here let me wash it off for you " the long boy said and then dumped all the water that was in my water bottle on me .

Well there goes my lunch .....

I could see at the corner of my eye that EunHyuk was smirking ... But then that smirk ... Turned into guilt ?

The buff guy and the long hair one started to laugh and walked off ... EunHyuk followed them

" are you okay ? " SungMin asked , worried .

I nodded my head " yeah .... I'm going to take a shower " I said quietly and got out of the chair

I saw that all the students in the lunch room was staring at me .

I kept my head down and quickly left the cafeteria


I walked out of the shower and put a towel around my waist . I used a different towel to dry my hair .

I was about to change untill I notice

" shit , I forgot my boxers " I said and left the bathroom .

I went to my bed and took my luggage from under the bed .

I unzipped it

Suddenly there was a click at the door .

I turned around to notice EunHyuk was looking at me with his eyes wide in surprise ... And his face ...... Bright red ??

THATS THE ENDING OF THIS CHAPTER , hope you guys liked it

Lmmfao I didn't know if I should make DongHae forget his shirt or boxers xD but I went with boxers because I thought it will be more funnier lol

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SM Romance ( EunHae Fanfic )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें