Tim Drake x Reader

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Welcome to day 3 of 10 Last Days In Hawaii. So far, there are 5 votes on this book. Only five more to go and I'll send proof that I'm in Hawaii. Now, on with the show!

Your P.O.V

I make my way to the end of the pier, book in hand. My h/c hair whips behind me and I sit over the pier, legs dangling above the water. Gotham Bay isn't the prettiest place, but it's calm. I open my book, A Separate Peace, and start reading. 

As I read about friendship, love, and war, I kick my toes in the murky water. Suddenly, a boy in a bright red suit is pushed straight into the air from under the water. The geyser lifts the boy up and then drops him, hard, into the bay. I take off my shoes, throw down my book, and dive into the water. 

The cold water socks me, but I keep swimming. The masked boy is bobbing just above the water, but he starts sinking. I dive down and grab the boy. I grab his arm and pull him up. When I breach the surface, I prop him up and carefully swim to shore. I haul the boy onto the pier. I gasp, trying to catch my breath. I turn to the boy. His chest is rising and falling slowly. Good, I think, At least he's breathing.

I take a closer look at Red Robin. Even though he's wearing a mask, I can tell he has a handsome face. His raven hair sticks out everywhere, and his muscular frame makes me blush. 

I hear a sound in the water behind me. I turn around slowly and come face to face with Killer Croc. I swallow, trying to suppress a scream. I bend over and pick up Red Robin's bo staff. 

Killer Croc chuckles deeply, "Look at what we have here. A little girl saved a drowning bird. How sweet." 

Red Robin groans. I pray silently that he'll wake up soon. I grip the bo staff tighter. "What do you want?" I ask. I try to sound forceful, but my voice sounds like a wounded puppy. I need to keep Croc busy. I can't fight him and keep Red Robin out of harm's way.

Killer Croc smirks, "I want to kill a bird." Then he lunges at me.

Tim's P.O.V

When I open my eyes, I don't believe what I'm seeing. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen is fending off Killer Croc with my bo staff. And she's doing a hell of a job, too. He h/c hair billows behind her as she dodges Croc. When she gets a chance, she wacks Killer Croc in some unpleasant places. She's fast, beautiful, nimble, and smart. I think I'm in love.

I pull myself up and race to her side. I grab her waist and push out of the way of Killer Croc's fists. For a split second, I'm laying on top of her. Her e/c eyes glisten and her cheeks flush red. I help her up and grab my bo staff back from her. I put myself in front of her and charge Croc. 

I hit Killer Croc in the side and pull a syringe out of my utility belt. I inject the horse tranquilizer into Killer Croc's neck and he stumbles backward. Croc falls, unconscious. I cuff Croc's hands with his specialized handcuffs. 

The beautiful girl walks up to Killer Croc and kicks his face with her barefoot. "Asshole," she whispers under her breath. 

I smile. Man, this girl was the best. Sharp pain in my chest snaps me back into reality. I take a shaky breath. My ribs are on fire. I gasp and the beautiful girl rushes to my side. "Easy, there," she whispers. She grips my shoulders and I stare at her, dumbstruck at her beauty. Her h/c hair is frizzled and wet. Her blouse is murky from the water and her mascara is running. Her e/c eyes stare at me intently. Beautiful.

She helps me sit down and she looks at my ribs. I'm enchanted by her. She gingerly examines my broken body. "I'm no expert," she admits, "but my dad's a surgeon and I've picked up a thing or two. My name's Y/n, by the way. Y/n L/n."

I smile, "Nice to meet you, Y/n. I wish it was under better circumstances." 

She smiles and blushes. "This is my first time meeting superhero," she admits. 

"Don't you mean saving a superhero?" I correct her. She blushes and brushes some of her hair behind her ear.

"Yeah," she chuckles, "that too." She helps me stand up. "I hope you know a doctor," she says. 

I smile, "Don't worry about that. I'll be fine."

Y/n blushes again and she wraps her arm around me, propping me up. She helps me walk back to the Batmobile and Nightwing is there, pacing. When Nightwing sees us, he rushes over. 

"Red Robin!" he yells. Y/n hands me over to Dick, who examines me like a worried mother. "Where were you?" he coos. "I was worried sick. Batman went after you. He said he found Croc, cuffed on the beach, but when he didn't find you, we started to worry."

"I'm fine, Nightwing," I sigh, "Y/n found me."

Y/n blushes even redder as Nightwing crushes her into a hug. "Thank you," Nightwing says.

Looking back at Y/n makes me blush, too. The girl of my dreams just saved my life. Y/n insists she doesn't need a ride. She heads back to the pier and continues reading as if none of that had just happened. As we dive away, I swear to myself that I would find Y/n L/n again. 

Hey guys! Thinking of making a part 2 for this one. Comment, vote, and share!!! (Word Count: 980)

Stay whelmed and crash the mode.


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