Family Game Night

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Cassandra glances around the corner. Her heightened senses make her aware of the opponents lurking just around the corner. Cassie breathes in deeply. She has one shot. Stealth is the best option.

Cassie darts around the corner. She takes cover just in front of enemy lines. She can hear the enemy on the other side of the barricade. Cass presses her ear to a gap in the fortification and listens.

">tt< I feel like a coward, hiding here."

"It's our only option."

"We never should have done this. We are going to get our asses handed to us."

"Let's stay positive. We're safe as long as we stay put." 

Cassandra smirks at the sound of their squabbling. She cocked her weapon silently, preparing to strike. Cassie jumps up from her hiding place and charges the pillow fort. She fires her Nerf gun at the boys with no mercy. Jason ducks behind Dick and fires at Cassandra. Tim runs out of the fort, defeated and Damian is trying to cram more foam bullets into his gun. 

Dick kneels on the ground as she pelts him with foam bullets. Jason swears and follows Tim's lead and leaves. Damian is still trying to fire his Nerf gun.

"Grayson! I demand we cease this madness. These weapons are a disgrace." Damian says with a huff. 

Cassie stops firing at Dick. "Come on, Little D. It's fun!"

Tim pokes his head into the damaged pillow fort, "Alfred says he wants us to play a different game. He doesn't want us tearing up the living room." 

"Come on," Dick wines, "We didn't 'tear up the living room.'"

Jason pokes his head in next to Tim. "We broke Alfie's favorite vase, there are foam bullets everywhere, the couch is now a broken pillow fort, and Cass has a murderous rage with a Nerf gun."

Dick sighs, "How about Monopoly?"


"Grayson, the last time we played that game, Todd sent Drake to the ER with Park Place in his arm," Damian says.

"OK.." Dick thinks, "Uno?"


Jason sighs, "You didn't talk to me for a week after our last Uno game."

Dick scoffs, "You gave me a draw four when I only had two cards left!!"

"And I won," Jason teases, "You're a sore looser, Goldie."

Dick pouts, "Fine. Let's play twister, then."


"You win every time, Dick!!" Tim yells.

"Boys..." Cassie says.

"It's not my fault I'm perfect!"

"Boys..." Cassie says, again.


"Boys," Cassie says, louder this time.

"Yes, Tim. You're just jealous."

"Boys!" Cassie is getting impatient, now.

"Jealous my a-"

"BOYS!!!" Cassie yells. Dick and Tim shut up, hands in their laps, heads hanging low. "Let's just play Candyland. It's a game of chance, so no one has the upper hand."

Dick and Tim glance at each other, then at Jason and Damian.

Jason shrugs, "I call the red gingerbread man."

"I call blue."



Cassie gins, pulling out the board. "I'm glad we can all agree on something."

An hour later, Bruce is at their side. Their laughter can be heard anywhere in the manor. Alfred smiles as he refills the snacks. He's just glad no one's been murdered yet.

So tell me what you think. I, personally, enjoy silly short stories like these, but I'm open to Batboys x reader, and other kinds of stories. I like the light and fluffy more, but I can also do dark and emotional. (Word Count: 589)

Tell me your opinion in the comments.

Stay whelmed and crash the mode.


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