Tim Drake x Reader pt 2

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Your P.O.V

My dad was confused to see my name on the news, but after about a week, he started letting me out of the house again. Dad made me swear to run the other way whenever I saw a bat. I take my water-stained copy of A Separate Peace and make my way to the fire escape on the side of our apartment. I hate to disobey Dad, but I really want to see Red Robin again. I met him for only a second, but it was the best moment of my life. He was so exciting, sweet, and handsome. 

I stare at the sky. The Bat-signal shines through the clouds. It takes all of my willpower to not climb onto the roof and wait for Red Robin. I open my book and try to read, but my thoughts are so jumbled. I put down the book and stare up at the Bat-signal, dreaming.

Tim's P.O.V

I've been watching Y/n all week. Not the creepy watching! I swear! I just see her every night, reading on her fire escape. Dick keeps teasing me about her. I always shrug him off, but really he's hitting the nail on the head. 

I'm head over heels for this girl ever since she saved my life last week. I'm a few buildings away from her apartment. Y/n put her book down and stares thoughtfully at the stars. Her h/c hair shimmers in the moonlight and her e/c eyes sparkle. Then, she stands up and walks to the roof, clutching her book to her chest. I try to resist, but I can't. I leap from my perch and grapple to her. 

Y/n turns to me with a big smile. "I thought I saw you across the street."

I smirk, "I was patrolling in the area and I realized I never thanked you. You know, for busting Croc." 

She blushes and pulls her hair behind one ear. "You don't have to thank me."

"Yes," I say, "I do. Without you, I probably would've drowned in the bay. So thank you."

I light turns on in the building below us and Y/n murmurs a curse. "My dad's home," she says, blushing. "He's pissed with me for my run-in with Killer Croc. I better go."

She turns to walk away, but then she stops. Before I can react, Y/n kisses me. It's a short kiss, but her warm lips linger next to mine for just a moment. She blushes and turns to go down the fire escape. "Bye Red," she says softly. 

I stand there, dumbstruck. She kissed me. Y/n L/n kissed me. 

And I just stood there like an idiot.

I sigh as I grapple away, cursing myself for not kissing her back.

Sorry, this chapter was kinda short. I think I'm gonna do a pt 3. Thank you for reading Day 4 of my Hawaii mini-series. I'm always open to ideas. Please comment, vote, and share. (Word Count: 522)

This book hit 10 votes! Next chapter is going to have video proof that I'm actually in Hawaii. 

Stay whelmed and crash the mode.

Aloha and mahalo.


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