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Colbys POV

I wake up next to Jake remembering what happened last night. Fuck I screwed up badly. Jake wakes up groaning. I chuckle lightly knowing why.

Me and him get dressed and I drive him home. I go in with him wanting to talk to Sam.

I ask Corey where's Sam. He says "in this room probably crying because of you."

I walk into his room and he says "get out." "Look Sam I just want to tak." "Ok we will talk. I will tell you everything you did wrong." "Ok"

"You killed innocent people. You killed my girlfriend. You raped me. You hurt me. You played with my feelings. You fucked my best friend in front of me." I just look down in response.

I walk out of the room and sam yells "OOH AND YOU ARE TOXIC." He then comes up to me and punches me in the face. I fall to the floor and go to Jakes room because I'm closed to him. I walk in his room crying. He asks what's wrong and I just say "Sam." He nodded and left the room.

Sam's POV

Jake comes brusting in my room. "You punch colby." "Yeah I know but he deserved it." "Why?" "Because he fucked you right in front of me. You are just a boy toy to him. He needed pleasure so he went to you."

Jake just looks down. He starts to cry and I hug him. "I'm sorry Jake I was just mad and didn't know what I was saying. He nods and goes back to his room.

I run and get my shoes on. I really love colby I do.

I go to the apartment. I strip naked and lay on the bed.

Colbys POV

Im going home because I'm tired of everything that happened today. I pull into the parking lot and see Sam's car. I don't think much of it.

I walk into the apartment and go to the bedroom to see a naked sam. I smirk and walk over to him. We do the dirty. The room is filled with our heavy breathing. He says I'm sorry and I nod my head. Hr crawls on top of me and fall asleep. I fall asleep shortly after him

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