Cutting (tw)

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Sam's POV

Colby asks me to be his boyfriend. I say," Look colby I love you but I'm not ready for a relationship because of what happened between me and Kat. He's says ok and leaves my room. I go to my bathroom and grab a razor. I sit in the bathtub and start making cuts into my arms. I start to bleed and cry. I make 5 cuts on each arm. I rap them up and I go sit on my bed. Colby is sitting on my bed. I don't know why, but I climb on top of colby. I say I'm sorry and he asks why. I pull up my sleeves and start crying. He says it's ok and pulls me into a hug. He kisses me and I miss back. Why do I miss him so much, I broke up with him. He asks me," What are we." I say, "friends with benefits." He say ok and me and him start cuddling. I fall asleep but then like 10 minutes later I feel cold. I open my eyes and he's gone.

Colby's POV

After Sam falls asleep, I get up and grab my knife. I drive for 2 hours and I see a house in the woods. I walk in and there is a family in there. I murder them and run out of the woods and get in my car. I drive back to the traphouse. I run up to Sam's room and he's awake. I sit next to him and he says, "you killed more people didn't you." "Yeah" He tells me to change. I do it and he grabs my shirt. I hug him. I lay on the bed and he lays on my chest. He slowly falls asleep and I fall asleep after him to his soft snoring.

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