"The weapons, they're not enough!" Zane cried as he froze a couple of Oni.
"I don't think we can hold that much longer!" Kai cried as he tried to hold an Oni off with his sword.

"Fall back! Everyone, fall back!" Lloyd cried as he ran past me and into the monastery.

I quickly leapt up into the air before punching the ground with my fist, knocking them a few feet back, that should give us a little extra time, before running back through the gates.

Lloyd and Come barricaded the door as we mentally and physically prepared ourselves for the worst.
"That's not going to last forever." Cole commented nervously.

I took in a deep breath before someone tapped my arm, it turning out to be Jay.
"I have to ask you something important." He said, slipping off his mask,
"What? Now?" I asked, but shifted to my half form anyway, a little worried for when the Oni broke the doors down.

"Yes now." He replied, getting onto one knee and placing the nunchucks down.

He took in a deep breath. "(Y/n), I recognise this might be a little early but there might not be another time to say this so, you make me happy everyday. When we're not together, I miss you so much that it feels like part of me is missing." He blurted out before pulling a token and handing me half of it, "will you be my Yang?"

I blinked, a Yang proposal? Me? As far as I knew, this was a promise to stay with the other forever...but took the token out of his hands and looked at it.

"Now you're asking?!" Cole asked in bewilderment.
"We seriously need to talk about your sense of timing, Jay!" Kai added.
"There may not be another time..." Jay replied as he stood up.

A small smile crept up my face as I looked at him before pulling him into a kiss.
"Yes, I will." I whispered as we pulled away slightly, seeing Jay's face light up with happiness.

"I taught him how to do that." I heard Kai say to someone.

Before anyone else could say anything, the barricade gave a creak and we all returned to our battle positions. I pinned the symbol to my clothes before summoning energy in my hands, waiting.

"It was nice to know you guys." I said, looking at all of them.
"It's been fun knowing you too." Cole agreed.
"It has been an honour." Zane added.
"Let's go out with a bang." Jay said.
"Yeah! Let's give 'em-" Kai started.
"A tornado!" Lloyd cut in.
"Yeah! Let's give 'em a tornado!" Kai agreed, running away before backing over to us. "Uh, what?"

"What's the opposite of destruction? Creation!" Lloyd asked, pointing to a painting with a large tornado taking up most of it. "Don't you get it? Creation—the Tornado of Creation! It's the one thing that can defeat the Oni—the power of creation! But all of us this time, or it won't work."

"How do you know?" Jay asked.
"Yeah. It was a miracle, it worked the first time!" Kai added.
"Okay, I'm guessing. But what do we have to lose?" Lloyd asked.
"He's right. We have nothing to lose." Zane said.

"What the heck. I'm in." Cole said excitedly.
"I love crazy ideas. Let's do it!" Kai cried. "You can join, sis."
"We're one now, (Y/N). Care to join?" Jay asked.
I nodded, the energy fizzling out.

"It has to be all of us." Lloyd said, facing Garmadon.
"I am not one of you." Garmadon stated.
"No, but you're as much a part of the history of Ninjago as the rest of us." Lloyd replied firmly.

Garmadon shrugged and walked off, leaving Lloyd in surprise.

I heard a crack and turned to see the Oni walking in.
"Look, if we're going to do this, it should be now!" I cried as The Omega made eye contact with me.
"You." They growled, pointing their staff at me.

"Here goes nothing." Cole said before letting out their battle cry and doing Spinjitzu, becoming a tornado of rock and dirt.

The others also let out their cry and become tornados responding to their elements while I studied their movements, getting energy ready to do mine.

The tornadoes joined in with Cole's, making them combine into a large one faintly glowing gold.
I looked at Garmadon, who seemed to be looking at the paintings, before I imitated the ninja's movements and ending up in the middle of a swirling purple vortex before moving forwards and joining in with them.

Light suddenly filled my vision before I felt my mind slipping away and blacking out.


Light tried to pour into my eyes as I slowly opened them up, getting used to the sudden brightness.

Once I was adjusted, I started to notice small purple and gold petals drifting in the wind above me and the feel of grass beneath me.

'Wait, the monastery doesn't have grass where I was moments ago.'

I sat up, looking around in confusion, this definitely wasn't the monastery.

"Hello, (Y/n)." A voice said, making me turn to reveal a man wearing a large rice hat with a golden dragon behind him.
"Who are you?" I asked.

"It's nice to meet you, it's rare that I get to meet a relative as ancient as you." The man said with a smile.

"You're......the First Spinjitzu Master...." I pointed out before bowing out of respect.
"Oh please, don't bow to me." He said, waving his hand.
"Wait, you're supposed to be dead....am I dead?!" I asked in alarm, nearly about to panic,

"No, no, no. You're not dead. Just in a different place that doesn't follow the rules of the universe." The First Spinjitzu Master reassured me.

"Oh..." I replied, kicking some dirt nearby. "So...why am I here?"
"You've proven yourself to be quite different from your kind, maybe it's because you left the first realm unintentionally and it allowed you to become your own person, not following usual Oni behaviours." He explained, crossing his arms with a thoughtful look.

"Okay...what does that have to do with anything?"
"I'm here to give you a choice, you are an Oni, though I can tell that you're not happy with it some of the time. I can let you go back to Ninjago as a normal person, any trace of being an Oni will be gone and you can live normally. Or I can send you back to how you are already, just with a few minor differences.."

I blinked, I could have a go at being normal for once? Though...I do like being myself, but I could be normal, not having to worry about my heritage or anything else related to being an Oni...

"I can see you're conflicted, I'll give you some time to think." He said as I sat down in the grass, unsure what my choice would be.

So, what's your choice?

Word count: 2576 words

An Oni's Mask (Jay Walker x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें