"Eri," I say gently as I slightly stand to hug her. "We'll always be with you even if you can't see us all the time. How about this," I start as I wipe her eyes gently with my thumbs. "If you have to leave. Mirio, Tamaki, me, and Midoriya will come and visit you every two weeks." I say and she looks at me as she carefully rubs her eyes.
    "Promise?" She asks and I nod.
    "I promise, Eri. We won't ever leave you." I say with a smile and she gives a trembling smile before she pulls me into a tight hug I hum a gentle melody as I pet her soft blue hair while Tamaki drives.

     "We're here."
     "I'm nervous, (Y/n)," Eri says as she unbuckles and looks at me worriedly.
     "What with being so worried for, Eri?" Mirio questions her with a smile. "Just think of this as a possible new adventure!" He states and she looks down at her walking feet before she looks up with a small smile.
     "Yeah...a new adventure." She says before she grabs his right hand and my left one. "And we'll do it together!" Eri states and my heart bursts at her cuteness.
     "That's exactly right!" Me and Mirio chirp as Tamaki gives a soft smile as he follows after us to the hospital.

     "I-I'll never like hospitals. They're too white." Tamaki says as he moves closer to Mirio.
     "We won't be here for too long, Maki. Don't worry." Mirio reassures as we walk up to Kaoruka and Moashi.
     "Hello again, Eri." Moashi greets with a smile and her frown turns to a soft smile at his high-pitched voice.
     "Hi, Centipeder." The small girl says before we all head to the room, the heart monitor being the only noise besides peaceful breathing and footsteps.

    "You can try a couple of times. But I don't know if it'll work where he's been like this for so long." The doctor says as he walks in to monitor the old leader of the Shie Hassakai.
     Eri quietly walks up to the bed as we stand by the door. She moves to stands on the small step stool they had put in here for her to get a better reach.
     I'm really going to miss you Eri. I'm happy I was able to save you from Chisaki. I'll be happy but sad to see you go. I think with a small frown as I watch her move some of his grey hair out of his resting face.

     She stops as she looks over to us, a secret conversation going between us before she turns back to the man and places her small hand on his forehead as she activates her quirk.
     A bright light glows from her slowly shrinking horn as she uses more of her quirk.
     But nothing happens to the man. He doesn't move, open his eyes, or even make a sound.

      "I-I'll get it this time," Eri says as she repeats the action but ends with the same result.
     "I'm sorry. I don't think-"
     "Let me try one more time...please," Eri begs the doctor as a few tears race down her cheeks.
     "I- ...Okay." The doctor says as he gives her a nod and spares us a glance.

     Eri takes a deep breath as she whispers something under her breath before trying again.
     We watch in silence as her horn shrinks as she places a hand on his head and one on his chest.
     "I-I'm so sorry, Grandpa." She says with a small sob escaping her lips as she lowers her head. "I-I couldn't save you," Eri states as she rests her forehead on his arm.
     "I'm sorry." The doctor says as he walks towards the bed. "He's been like this for too long. There's nothing we can do besides hope that by a miracle he wakes up." He states and I give him a stern look as I go over to the girl and carefully rub her back as she sobs.

    "Thank you for letting us try," Kaoruka says with a nod towards him before the doctor leaves the room.
    "I was supposed to help." I hear Eri whisper as she clutches her small hands into the white blanket.
    "You trying was the best help you could give him, Eri," I say and she looks at me with teared eyes and spots the tears falling from my own eyes. "He'd be happy that you did," I say and she nods sadly as she gets off the step stool before going over to Mirio and burying her face in his side. I don't want her to leave. I think as more tears start to run down my face. Not my Eri. I think as a sob finally slips by my lips and I quickly cover my mouth as Tamaki walks over to me and wraps me in his arms.

Tease Me ♡Shota Aizawa x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now