The girl 🌼 ,

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I know that when I close my eyes I will see her again. Her face is engraved into my dreams. Even when I'm awake I still as if she was here. I can still smell the intoxicating smell of her perfume ; a floral scent which haunts my nose. She feels real, yet I know she is not. She has a name and a backstory and we have a life together but not really. She was never here and all the memories I have with her are ones of a dream. A mere fantasy that I will never get to live out because - because she isn't real. She doesn't have a pulse, no birth certificate, no nothing. It is the fact that her ghost haunts me. The spirit of a person who never lived. Never got to feel the earth beneath our feet. Every so often I see her in my house, I see her as clear as day. When I come close to her though, the image melts away, as though it wasn't there in the first place. I have been to therapist after therapist telling them about her and I get the same response "she isn't real" , "this is stopping you from actually living". I know that this is true but she seemed so real.

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