No longer 3 days ( 3 days pt2) ,

15 1 4

I was so glad that he was back , my Loki was finally back.

When I woke up , I was hoping that yesterday night was not a dream and it wasn't . There he was still peacefully sleeping. Whilst moving a piece of his dark hair out of his eyes , they slowly flutter open and a smile grows on his face. He takes my hand and kisses it and then sets it back down , he then proceeds to kiss my lips softly. Oh how much I had missed him.
"Loki ?"
"Yes darling" he says sleepily ,
"When did we go into the bedroom?" I ask
"Well once you fell asleep I thought I might aswell just bring you into here instead"
"Oh okay" I say whilst yawning

For the next hour we lay in bed, but sadly we still had to get up. Once I had gotten dressed I went to the window opening the curtains to look out. Loki came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and resting his chin on top of my head like he always does.
" why can't you stay forever" I say whilst I turn in his arms to face him
"Darling you have me for another six months I wish I could stay longer" he replies
"But six months is too short" I say while placing my hands on his chest
He chuckles and looks at me again ,
"I know y/n , y/n I know but someday if Odin agrees I will stay here with you for the rest of eternity" he places a kiss onto my lips "but for now you need to go to work , you doing want to be late"
I sigh remembering I have to go to work and can't just stay with him all day.

Six months , six months was all we had left together. It was kind of like a Hades and Persephone moment , half a year in the underworld and the other half on earth. Except in our situation it was half a year on earth and half on Asgard.

Surprisingly the day at the shop went fast and soon enough I was back home with Loki. We spent a few hours before dinner watching the television. Whenever Loki comes back I try to get him to watch new shows , but it never really goes well. Right now I'm trying to get him to watch 'how I met your mother' but he's more interested in trying to braid my hair than watching it.

We made dinner together , which was a delicious pasta dish. Whilst we ate we exchanged moments of our day and he told me stories of what happened whilst he was away in Asgard. For pudding we had cookies that I had made a few days prior to Loki coming home.

After dinner we cleaned up the kitchen and I put the radio on to listen to the news. We washed the dishes and put them onto the drying rack to let them dry over night. Loki suddenly turned of the light and lit a candle as a slow song started to play on the radio. He took my hand and led me to the middle of the room. There we started dancing to the music that was playing.

I giggle when Loki spins me and he looks at me with adoration.
"Y/n , did I ever tell you how beautiful you are"
He says moving a stray hair from out of my eyes
"Yes Loki many times"I reply
Soon the song comes to a close and Loki spins me out again and once back pulls me into a kiss. I blush and burry my head into his chest.

Loki swooped me up and carried me bridal style into our bedroom.

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