Everybody wants to rule the world ,

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A throne of blue stained glass sits at the end of the large decorated throne room. On the throne sits a crown, with spikes which look sharp enough to stab someone. Midnight blue fabrics create a small cushion on the throne. A woman ,who look to be in her twenties, walks down the marble floors. Her heels clicking with every step she took. Her chestnut colour hair was pulled back into a detailed braid. Beads of gold and blue were woven into the intricate braid. A cloak of a snowy white was draped over her shoulders and was connected at the front by a pendant of gold. Her skin was pale and her eyes were dark, probably the same colour as her hair if you looked close enough. A sly smirk was painted on her lips and her eyes held a mischievous shine. The white shoulder length gloves she wore were smeared with crimson red. If you looked closely enough you could also see splatters of the same colour on her cloak and on her light blue dress. 

Moonlight shone in through the floor to ceiling windows creating shadows in the room. The beautiful diadem sparkled as the light hit off it. As the lady walked, the flowers lining the path wilted, died and then were encased in ice. Once she reached the throne, she picked up the beautiful headpiece and placed it on top of her head. Slowly, as if savouring the moment, she sat down in her new throne. Her smirk never leaving her face. Her eyes wandered around the large throne room, which was now also covered in ice. This only made her smile grow bigger, and she let out a small laugh of satisfaction. This was now her kingdom.  

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