Chapter 46, Don Vito Luciano

Start from the beginning

"Why are you telling me all this here and not inside with my husband?" I ask with steely eyes.

How will he worm himself out of this one?

Kyle holds my stare. "Xavier... is a good man. But Xavier wasn't raised in this world. You and I? We were raised for this. Whether you knew it or not, we were born and bred for this life. Xavier might have come here at a young age, but he wasn't taught with the idea that he would take over so he doesn't know the truth that you and I were born with," he explains, "It takes horrible people to change this world."

"Xavier and I both have done horrible things!"

"Has he ever betrayed a friend for the greater good?" Kyle asks.

I mean... He's done plenty of bad things. He's made harsh decisions before... He...

"You have, Amber," Kyle continues, "You've done it more than once. Betrayed the people you love for the bigger picture. I've done it too. I've left my brother behind. The only person left alive that I loved. I betrayed him for the bigger image. That's our gift, Amber. We are willing to do awful things for the bigger picture. And not just to bad people, but to those we love. That's not being evil, it's being selfless. Sacrificing yourself is easy, but sacrificing those you care about is where the true test comes. Xavier on the other hand? To him, this world isn't worth saving unless those he loves are there with him. It's a noble idea, but it's not realistic. It's selfish."

I hate that some of what Kyle says makes sense, but...

What good is a world without friends and family? What would it matter if there's no one special to share that with?

This guy is planning something crazy and I need to get close to him to figure out what that is.

"You're right," I sigh, "I do feel like we are different. I used to think I'm not good enough because of that side of myself."

"I don't expect you to have an answer just yet," Kyle says, "But please think it over."

I hold his stare for a few seconds before I let my shoulders sag, "I'll think about it, but I doubt I'd side with you."

"You can talk to Xavier about it," Kyle says, "But only if your answer is no. I think I've made it clear that he wouldn't understand it."

"You expect me to lie to my husband?"

"I expect you to make the right choice."

I snicker one last time. "Whatever. I'm leaving," I say and walk past Kyle. I leave him out on the balcony and head back inside.

The warm light greets me as soon as I step through the glass doors. I walk with gritted teeth back to the casino area. This guy is dangerous, I think to myself. And his plan makes sense which is the worst part. I hate myself for understanding where he's coming from.

But if the price of making the world a better place is high enough to put the whole world in fear... It wouldn't be worth it.


Through the flickering lights and loud machines and people laughing at their winnings, I spot Xavier. I can't help but instantly melt at the sight. Much in contrast to Kyle's icy aura, Xavier is a fire that warms me. Burns me.

"You alright?" Xavier asks once we meet up.

If we weren't surrounded by dangerous families constantly sending curious glances, I would hug the man right now. I really need a hug.

"Yeah," I smile with tired eyes, "I just needed a breath, The night sky can do wonders."

Xavier gives me a knowing look. "Did something happen while you were gone?"

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