Finding Gura Part 2

Start from the beginning

"1 year. I was dating this lady in her late 30s. I'm 22 years old."

"She could be missing you right now you know that? Women's hearts are very fragile. I'm sure she would have forgiven you if you came back to her."

"The reason I drink so much it's because she likes men that are on the brink of death. I'm not a fan of those for women. She was draining him dry of money and bringing it money home. I caught her in the act and I went to my favourite bar to get wasted. I could have told her but I don't remember."

His heart broke at such a young age. oh my. Is it your fault as well for not remembering and explaining yourself..

I went up and patted him on the shoulder. Imagine what kind of future he could have. Instead he... I almost forgot. I remove myself and stand as far away from him as possible.

"What's wrong kiddo?"

Supposed if everybody on the ship had the same story? What if I'm surrounded by lustful people? Just that thought alone, made me feel even more uncomfortable than before.



I hesitantly approached her at the wheel. She was looking out at the sea through a telescope.

"Yes Gura, you need something?"

"What are you looking at?"

"Something strange is approaching but I can't figure out what it is."

"Can I have a look?"

She passed me the telescope and I took a look. I saw water movement with a triangular shape coming in our direction. Not one but up to ten. No even more. Human with fins, scales with long pointing forks.

They look very familiar.

She didn't wait for my response and said some commands.


Hustling and bustling was happening on the ship. Pirates of all ages went to gather their weapons, leaving their liquor unfinished. I was still with the captain, unsure on what to do. I asked hesitantly with a bit of fear in my voice.

"What should I do?"

"Go down on the bottom of the ship where the liquor is stored. There's an empty crate, go inside of it and wait until we finish up these guys."

She said confidently assuring me of her victory. Her hat that I have been asking for, she pushed it onto me and told me to go.

I was scared so I just did it.


Noises of all manner coming from up above. Screaming, metal clinking together, water sounds of men falling off the ship. I don't wanna know what is happening. In the crate, my head faced down in it and my knees shaking. I lifted my head up and looked at the door. I pray that nobody will come and take my life.

What's this?

Blood was on my face but where did it come from? I looked up and saw blood dripping through the board above my head. I internally screamed.


I looked back at the door. At that moment, I heard somebody running towards it. The door flies open with Marine with her blood-stained self. She told me in a hasty voice,

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