"Oh sh—"

"Please refrain from vulgar language, (Y/n)."

You sent Sebastian an irritated glare.

"Aunt Francis sent notice that she would arrive in the afternoon, so you need to get ready right now," you said as you frantically pulled Ciel out from the blankets. You could see the boy's eyes also shaking with panic.

"There is hardly a need to worry if she is arriving in the afternoon, no?" Sebastian tilted his head in confusion.

"Are you sEriOuS?" you nearly shrieked.


"This is Aunt Francis we're talking about!" Ciel snapped for you.

Sebastian's eyes showed that he clearly realized his mistake, and so, you shoved him over to Ciel. It earned you a rather annoyed glare, but you didn't really care at the moment, not that you ever did.

"Hurry up and change, I'll wait outside to greet her first," you urged, rushing out the door. "You have less than half an hour at most, and that's if she's being generous, so make it quick...!"

Ciel was already scrambling to get out of his nightgown as you sped off.


"Aunt Francis," you smiled in greeting as the woman exited her carriage. "Elizabeth and Edward too. It's been a while."

"(Y/n)." Her facial expression softened just the tiniest bit, her approval for you overriding her normal strictness.

"It's been a while," Edward smiled, cheeks coloring slightly as you returned the smile. Francis and Elizabeth watched in barely-hidden amusement.

"It's a pleasure to see all of you again," you said, trying to hide the fact that you were internally panicking over Ciel's failure to arrive at this point in time.

Francis nodded, before narrowing her eyes behind you. "Now where is the Earl Phantomhive?" she frowned disapprovingly.

"He was... delayed," you offered sheepishly. The Midford marchioness clearly didn't buy it.

"I see," she stated dryly. You sweated, eyes darting to the side and practically begging Edward to save you. The boy could only give you his own sheepish look, wanting to help you out, but being unable to.

The sound of footsteps approaching had you sighing in relief.

"He has arrived," you smiled, becoming nervous again as you took in Ciel's unkempt appearance.

"It seems he truly was delayed..." Francis narrowed her eyes. "Delayed because of his inability to get out of bed, that is."

"T-That would probably be my fault for failing to inform him of your visit earlier..." you trailed nervously.

Francis sighed. She supposed she could let the boy off just this once. It was his birthday, after all.

"Very well..." the woman gave in, before her eyes locked on Sebastian. All of you watched as Francis continued to stare into Sebastian's nonexistent soul.

"...May I ask... is there something on my face?" the demon questioned.

"That face of yours! What indecent looks you possess..." she scowled. You couldn't help yourself, snorting in unison with Ciel before quickly slapping your hand over your mouth, turning away when the butler gave you a displeased stare.

"I was born looking this way..." Sebastian sweatdropped.

"And also!" Francis scolded, snatching up the demon's fringe. The look on his face nearly sent you into hysterics, your composure slowly slipping as she began to comb back both Sebastian and Ciel's bangs. Their finished appearance... If the woman in front of you had been anyone but Aunt Francis, you would've been wheezing on the floor.

The Tales of a Fox (Black Butler! Various x F!OC! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now