Chapter 3 [Hello Again]

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The liquid replicas of herself began to rapidly advance towards the Lunarians, like a battalion of highly toxic soldiers closing in on the enemy. As the rows of fired arrows took down some of the mercury soldiers Cinnabar continued to rapidly advance on the Lunarians, using her copies as shields before jumping high into the sky. She willed a large cover of mercury to eclipse the main Lunarian. Her tactic worked and the Lunarians went PUFF. However, her "master plan" had one very major flaw. She didn't consider her safety and due to the Lunarians previously hovering above the cliff she was about to dive straight into a rock-covered shore. 

"Cinnabar!" but Phos had other ideas and recklessly rushed to help her saviour. Yet before she could set a foot on the mercury-covered ground a crimson vine wrapped around her waist, stopping her dead in her tracks as another one zipped passed her and caught Cinnabar by her leg.

"Gotcha," Y/N came in at just the right time to stop both of them from doing something they might regret doing so later.

He gently brought Cinnabar back to the ground and retracted the vine holding Phos in place, letting the green-haired Gem roam the grasslands freely. Phos let out a breath of relief, "Phew, thanks for the save, Y/N."

"Mhm," Y/N hummed in response and was about to talk to Cinnabar but the red-haired girl was already seen walking away, Y/N sighs in disappointment as this was the same treatment he received whenever he tried talking to her recently, "It was nice seeing you again, Shinsha!"

But Cinnabar seemingly completely ignored Y/N and continued on her way to god knows where she patrolled a lot around the shore and the Cape of Emptiness for reasons not known to many. Y/N sighed at the lack of response he received before he noticed the curious look Phos was giving him.

"What is it?" Phos tilted her head to the side at the question, as if not knowing how to properly assemble words.

"What's the deal with you and Cinnabar?" the curious Gem gave as much of a blunt question as Y/N expected her to.

Y/N sighed as he scratched the side of his head before turning around and motioning Phos to follow him, "It's late, let's talk on our way back."

The two were then slowly walking back to the school, "I should probably start from the beginning. When I was born the one to find me was Cinnabar. Things were relatively hectic back then, and they still are because of certain someone."

"Teehee~" was the response Phosphophyllite gave Y/N which made the male roll his eyes.

"When I first started doing what I do now-"


"-Yeah, everything, I also tried to help Kongo-sensei in finding a proper job for Cinnabar. But because the nature of her body which constantly produces liquid mercury she couldn't stay close to others, and both me and sensei were out of ideas," Phos listened intently to what the crimson-haired male was saying.

"We were at a loss, so I tried doing something stupid," Phos rose an eyebrow at how emotionless Y/N's tone has become. Usually, there would be an undertone of sarcasm, or just about any other emotion, but now his voice was dull and empty.

"My body produces liquid that is the polar opposite of Cinnabar's mercury, so I tried to... 'purify' Cinnabar's body, didn't work out. After that failure, she has become rather distant, can't blame her though," Phos once again tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"What do you mean? Shouldn't she at least be thankful that you tried?" asked Phos as if it were the most obvious thing in the universe.

"It wasn't purely that as to why she is the way she is now towards me. I guess the best emotion I could compare it to is jealousy. You see, Cinnabar's body is even weaker than yours, having a hardness of just 2 while my body becomes infinitely stronger over time," Phos nodded in understanding. 

[1] [Shattered Crimson] Male Reader x Houseki no Kuni [Females]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang