Mr. Sparkles Loses His Sparkle [Pt.2]

Start from the beginning

The misery is now crawling back.


More misery. "Hm?" I don't even look at Karmi.

She clicked her tongue and placed my favorite bento box next to me. "I saw you were extremely down last night and this morning. It's not like I care or anything, but I made your favorite meal so you don't starve to death while I'm out." Karmi softly thumps the top of my head before leaving.

The action brought a small smile to my face.


Everywhere he turned he saw the calico cat. His merchandise turned from his face to that cat. The notifications on his phone alerting him of his internet show ranking.


Oh it made him mad.

Mr. Sparkles glared at the screen while heading to his usual club hang out.

Another notification.

This time he grows infuriated. No matter what he did or what he tried on his show, people would leave and the ranks shot straight down.


Even worse, the Yaki Taco wasn't presenting his show anymore. The small and pink hair man gulps at his reflection in his dressing room while wearing a taco costume. "Hang in there! You're still a star! No matter how many fair-weather fans unfollow you. Keep Sparkling!" He pep talks himself until a knock on the door interrupts him.

"Mr. Sparkles?" A crew man walks in with hesitance.

"What is it? Can't you see I'm giving myself a creepy pep talk?"

The man gulps, "Sorry sir, I just thought you wanted to know that Yaki no longer presenting us." He hides behind his tablet.

"They have to present us. Who else would they present?" A Yaki Taco ad is shown on the man's tablet and the only thing Mr. Sparkles sees is the calico cat.

"Slow clap cat. He claps....slowly."

Mr. Sparkles growls yet again, "No one takes away Mr. Sparkle's sparkle." He yanks off the leaf of the taco costume and he bears his teeth, "No one."

The crew man quickly leaves.

His blueish green eyes watch the video again on his phone and his fist clench. This time he skims over the video title then the username.


"Maybe going out will calm my nerves." Mr. Sparkles rips off the Yaki Taco costume and storms out of his studio. The stroll did calm him down, although not for long as the small man made his way to the front of the line to the club.

"Whoa, Chief. We're at capacity." Felony Carl blocks his path.

"Don't you know who I am?" Sparkles snapped.

Carl hums, "A guy with an overinflated sense of self?"

This caused the insane host to scoff, "I'm Mr. Sparkles!"

"Called it." Carl looks down at his tablet.

"Maximum Insane Obstacle Challenge?" He tried to clarify more toward the apathetic man which didn't do much.

"Now you're just saying words."

Suddenly, a man in line points in excitement at Aunt Cass who stops riding her bicycle for a rest and Mochi is sitting in the basket. "Look! It's slow clap cat!!"

Big Hero 6: The Series x Reader [Volume 1]Where stories live. Discover now