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(A/N: Once again. I have zero clue how boxing tournaments work, so we're just gonna say that they are every other day or even two days instead of three days in a row. Also, girls get to box against boys in this universe)

Seulgi POV

It was finally the big day. The start of the tournament. At this point, Moonbyul was already healed and trained just as hard as me if not harder to get ready for this. She was able to recover in a week and start training again.

Me and Moonbyul hung out in the locker room before going out to box. I got a call from my phone.


"Hey Seulbear!" I blushed a little bit.

"Why are you calling?"

"Because this is what you did to me on my last game and we won. I think its a luck thing now!" I giggled at her cuteness.

"Will you do this every round?" I asked.

"Of course! I'll do it every round for you!"

"You're cute." I said. I heard silence on the other end and then it suddenly hung up I got confused. She then called again.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Sorry I kind of gay panicked and hung up the phone." I just laughed at her.

"Anyways. Be careful! Hwaiting!" I smile when she said that.

"Oh I also love you! You'll do great bear. I know you will!" 

"I love you too! Coach is calling I better go!" 

"Crush them!" I hung up and went over to the coach who already had the rest of the team over.

"As long as one of you makes it and wins it, then that will make me proud." We did our cheer and we got ready for the rounds. One by one, my teammates go out to fight someone random from another school. Me and Moonbyul keep waiting until they call us. 

Finally it was Moonbyul's turn. I looked at her and yelled a hwaiting. She nodded and made her way to the ring and I watched her fight on the screen.

Irene POV

I saw Moonbyul's name pop up on the screen and me and Solar cheered as loud as we could until our throats started to hurt. Moonbyul waved at the crowd and spotted me and Solar and blew a kiss towards Solar.

She went to her corner while the other girl went to hers.

There were two people at her corner telling her what to do. The match finally started. Moonbyul started to throw jabs at her. The girl started blocking but then started to punch her back after a little bit. Moonbyul had to back up and block her attacks. Eventually they made it to round two apparently this other girl that was against Moonbyul was pretty tough. Moonbyul went over to the trainer to know what to do and she nodded. They went back and started round two. I saw Moonbyul blocking and she was smirking. I noticed that she was only blocking and didn't fight back. Eventually Moonbyul decided to hit back with hooks and an uppercut. The other girl fell on the ground and the ref counted down and then screamed Knockout. Me and Solar cheered very loudly and she just looked at us smiling. We both gave her a thumbs up and she returned one back to us.

Now we just needed to wait for Seulgi's round. She was called up and she got to go against another girl as well. Once again, the fire she had in her eyes were real. They were filled with determination. I wonder is this how her brother looked when he did boxing as well. 

Instead of going all out on defending, she kept punching the poor girl. She did block every now and then, but her strategy was different and much riskier than Moonbyul's strategy. She dodged some and when she was close enough, she finished her off with a hook.

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