Chapter 13

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      She popped her head up suddenly when a memory came to her mind. "Did you just feel the same thing I did Happy?" she asked. " You mean did a memory pop into your head?" he responded as Lucy wiped her tears and got them up. " Let's go back to the guild" she said focused and strong as her and Happy went running back. 

 "Did you two just get a memory in your head? She asked looking at Gray and Erza. They nodded their heads yes when Lucy looked at Makarov and said " we know how to get to Lilyanna." "Lucy, I don't know if this is a good idea," said Makarov to Lucy's back. Sighing, she turned toward everyone and said in a normal voice " Sounds like this thing want's to get us out of the way, It's not a good idea, your right but the fact that we all remember how to get there now means this needs to be done" 

Looking at Erza, Gray ,Lucy and Happy, Makarov knew there was no stopping them so with a defeated sigh he said "just make sure you all come back" "Mommy!" Lucy spun to see Nashi racing to her after she hadn't said a word in days. 

Lucy got to her knees and held her hands out as Nashi came into them. She hugged her tightly to her as Nashi looked at her with a scared expression. "ppppleease mommy, don't go" she begged.

Hugging her tighter , Lucy regretfully said "I'm sorry" in a low voice as she stood up where Mira Jane grabbed hold of Nashi as she squirmed and screamed "MOMMY!!!!" She didn't have the courage to turn around as her heart broke hearing Nashi. Erza and Gray were waiting outside as she walked away. "Come on Happy" she said "Aye" he answered full of sadness. 

 Nashi was still screaming as they left. Lucy squeezed the scarf for comfort as she closed her eyes trying to block out the screaming. Erza saw her face and hated what she was about to say but in a clear non emotional voice said, "Lucy I know this hurts but you need to focus, open your eyes and let's go". 

 Opening her eyes , she let go of the scarf and began running with the others, putting aside what she was feeling inside down. They ran until they got to the shoreline and rowboat. They all climbed in and rowed to the island. Nobody said anything as they got off for fear of any of them having second thoughts and abandoning their mission.

They got to just outside the castle. "Ready?" Erza asked everyone as they nodded their heads and charged right in. Natsu was standing in the middle like he had been expecting them. "Wondered how long it would take to get you here" said Natsu. They all glared at him as they split and went different directions. Natsu didn't even flinch as he opened his wings and took to the air. 

 Gray transformed into his demon slayer magic as a bow appeared and aimed it right for Natsu as Erza reequipped into her heaven's wield magic. She aimed all of her swords right at him as she tossed one to Lucy and Happy who grabbed it and ran. Erza swung all her swords at him but he dodged them easily as if they were nothing even though they were flying at him. 

 He caught Gray out of the corner of his eye as he attacked "Ice Devil's zeroth destruction bow!" The arrow went right for him and this attack hadn't missed anything Gray had aimed at yet in the past. 

 Natsu however dived under it and went right for Gray. Going straight for his legs, he used his long tail to trip him. Natsu used that moment while Gray was down to land a hundred punches on him at once. "Gray!" Erza yelled as Natsu got up and grinned. 

Gray was taken out in less then five minutes and severely injured causing everyone to get nervous. "Now you want to try? He said to Erza questioning. She glared and with sword held high in her hands, she went right for him. 

 He got to the air where she followed but he quickly disappeared leaving her confused. He showed up a second later right behind her catching her off guard and said " I was waiting for that" With immense force, he used his clawed foot and brought it down on her back nailing her to the ground. He pressed down causing her to yelp in pain. "Hee, hee, Lilyanna , would you restrain them?" 

From her throne, she said dryly "Kill them" He growled at her and said " I don't take orders, you going to help or not". She rolled her eyes and said "fine" She waved her hand causing Erza, Gray and Happy to be launched into a wall with handcuffs and chains which closed automatically on their hands and feet. 

 "Wait, there's one missing ,where's the blonde?" he asked eyeing the three of them. Catching out of the corner of his eye, Lucy was directly behind him with the sword pointed right at the back of his neck. He felt the end of it poking at him. She had all the determination in the world to do it. 

She raised the sword up when he slightly turned his head to where she could see his face. Once she saw his face, she stopped as he looked blankly at her. "I..cant..I can't do it" muttered Lucy sadly as she dropped the sword to the ground. "Lucy!, pick it back up!!, you have too" urged Erza. 

 With a defeated look in her eyes, she was still looking at Natsu who closed his eyes but a second later with a crazed lunatic smile, his eyes widened as he looked her directly in the face. Lucy fell to the ground on her side, with her legs pulled to her chest, she put her hands to her face and screamed in agony.

Flashes of every brutal murder Natsu had committed went zooming through her head. She saw him chop off their heads, burning people, slashing them to bits, terrorizing. She rolled onto her other side as the flashes just kept coming. 

"What are you doing to her" yelled Erza angrily. "Ha, I'm a dragon demon of darkness, I specialize in torture and right now she's seeing everything I've done to this point. Why don't you all enjoy" A spell shot from his hand forcing everyone's head in Lucy's direction." You bastard" Erza insulted. 

Happy just looked at her begging in his head for him to stop torturing her. Gray had no words for the rage he felt watching her get tormented by her former love. "Why didn't you just kill her?" Lilyanna asked. "Because" he answered turning his way back towards Lucy." I want to have fun with this one" Lucy hearing him step forward scrambled herself backwards as he walked toward her. 

 She backed herself up against a wall unknowingly as she tried to keep going but stopped. Natsu simply walked over and threw her over his shoulder as he walked to a corner of the castle to a single spot with chains and cuffs. He threw her onto the floor raising her arms to cuff her and binding her feet. "Now let the fun begin"

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