Chapter 5

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        " Come on you two!" we're going to the guild this morning to look for work. " but whaaat yawwwn taking some time off?" Natsu said lazily rubbing his eyes awake. " We had time off!, now time to get back out there and check the board" 

"So much for taking a week off" said Happy. "right" joked Natsu as the two of them started laughing. " come on you two, please" begged Lucy " she's right Happy, get on up little buddy" Happy stretched and got himself up and going while Natsu and Lucy got themselves dressed. Nashi had come out ready to go. 

"Baby let's fix you up first" Lucy let out a light hearted laugh as she went to help Nashi. She came out with mismatched socks , mixed outfit and messed up hair.

Natsu and Happy chuckled some after she went to help Nashi. After a little rearranging, they were set to go. "Hey!" Lucy greeted when they got to the guild .

"Hey, nice to see you walking around Lucy" someone said. "Thanks" she replied. Nashi ran with Happy over to where their teammates were sitting. "Morning kid" Gray greeted. 

 "Morning Nashi" Erza greeted pleasantly "Morning uncle Gray. Aunt Erzzy" Nashi was so joyful, the others couldn't help but be in a good mood. " So! You guys look at the board yet?" Natsu asked eager. "Not yet" answered Gray as Natsu walked over to see what was on request board. "Hey!, here's something, a village needs help getting rid of a gang terrorizing them" announced Natsu. "Shouldn't be too bad, let's go" said Gray as he got out of his seat with the others. 

" Natsu, do you think Nashi can come along?' Lucy asked. "ehh sure, why not, come on Iggy" she bounced out of her seat and began walking with them. " See you later guys" Mira waved cheerfully.

Nashi was happily trotting along without so much as negative thought at all in her head. Natsu and Lucy smiled with ease. " Keep that innocence and carefree attitude as long as you can baby" Lucy thought looking at her. " The world is unfortunately very cruel" thought Natsu. 

They grabbed each other's hand , looked at each other and laughed some for both thinking about Nashi. " Hey lovebirds, we're almost there" said Gray getting the other two's attention. They grabbed Nashi and went an caught up with the other three. 

 " We don't know who these thugs are, so watch it alright" Erza said feeling uneasy. " Yes ma'am" they all replied. "Stay close to us Nashi" urged Lucy as they stepped quietly. They heard a yell getting their attention. "That didn't take long" said Gray outspoken. They all ran when they saw a guy about to attack someone. 

"ICE MAKE LANCE!" he threw the lance at them separating the two of them. " Who the hell are you?" the guy said. " hehe," Natsu grinned as one of them looked and said "oh no. 

They caught sigh of Lucy and Natsu's emblems and heard " oh crap, it's the Fairy Tail guild!" "You got it! Suckers" Natsu yelled enthused. "I'm fired up now!". He ran face first right into them with hands a blaze and brought full force down launching the thugs into the air. 

" Requip!, Ataraxia armor!" Erza waved her hand launching the swords that had gathered around her after her reequip change making all of the guys huddle together. "Luuuucy Kick!" she attacked kicking a good few of them in the stomach as Natsu with a final attack shouted FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!! . They all bowed in surrender. 

"We're sorry, we won't come back" They all cried out as the team surrounded them. " Hehee" Natsu laughed with a giant grin on his face and hands on his sides. " He must be the one that sorceress was talking about, the flame dragon. " Hearing him, Natsu snatched one of the guys and roughly said " what was that" 

 Fearfully the guy responded "nnnnothing..jjjjust aaa rumor, I don't know anything, I.I swear" "Put him down Natsu" commanded Erza looking directly at him. "hmph" he said as he dropped him and walked back over to the others. "What was that about?" Lucy asked him. 

" I don't know, I heard him say something weird and went to check it out, oh well" Natsu shrugged his shoulders and walked off with the others. " Thank you so much" said the lead villager. "Those guys have been plaguing us for weeks" " No problem" replied Erza. 

 They took the reward money and started their way back to Magnolia. "Natsu..are you sure your alright, seems like something is bothering you" noticed Lucy. "Nahh, I'm fine Luce, really" answered Natsu. " Okay, you know you can tell me anything" she assured him. He smiled and said "I know" . 

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