Chapter 7

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   " When are we going after my child" demanded Lucy slamming her hand down on the table. It was an hour after Lucy had stopped crying that she just felt furious and determined to get her child back.  

" I promise Lucy, as soon as we have a lead that we will go after her" said Makarov. "NO!" Lucy yelled storming off out of the guild. Everyone watched as she disappeared. Makarov sighed and said " let her be, she needs time". 

Natsu tried for a couple minutes to leave her be but went after her. Happy tried to follow but Erza and Gray stopped him and shook their heads no at him.

 "Jeeze, how the heck did she get so far" said Natsu trying to find her. "Lucy, Lucy!" he called out "LU.oh.. there you are" he said relieved. She was leaning herself against a tree. 

Tears slowly dripping down her face but she wasn't crying. " hey" he said gently as he mindfully eased his way up to her. Delicately he put a couple fingers under her chin and had her look up. "Lucy, we will find her". "I'm sorry for storming off, this just pisses me off and I feel completely useless" 

"Lucy I'm going to tell you right now and I want you to listen when I tell you that this whole thing pisses me off to no extent and whoever took our child will be turned to ashes, trust me but are a lot of things but useless is not one of them" Natsu told her directly.

 "Now come on, let's go back to the guild" he held a hand out waiting. She took after a minute and said in hushed tone " I love you Natsu". "I love you too Luce." "Thanks for not giving up on me" she added. "Never gonna happen"

They made it back to the guild hand in hand ready to get back to work. "Natsu, have you tried using your nose to sniff Nashi out." asked Gray. "Not yet" he said as he went outside to try. 

"I'm barely getting a whiff; her smell is clogged up with that stupid bird." Natsu said irritated. " If your even getting a whiff then that's enough, let's get going" said Erza shocking everyone. "Err ,Erza, you sure about that?" someone asked. 

 " They stole a child from Fairy Tail..and my niece, I am more then sure" replied Erza in a straight no bullshit almost angry tone. " Damn straight" agreed Gray "AYE!" "Let's go then, I'm not waiting" said Lucy immediately. " Be careful" Makarov warned. " Will do gramps" as they set on their way to rescue Nashi.

" You still smell her Natsu?" asked Happy. "Yup, going right up my nose" said Natsu. " Eww, Natsu, did you have to say like that?" said Lucy grossed out. "Yeah man , seriously" sided Gray. " Oh shut up" sniped Natsu. 

" Where the heck even are we" said Gray. " Not Fiore , for sure" said Erza. They kept going until they reached a shoreline. "Oh crap" they all said looking at the rowboat and then out into the water. 

" No wayyyyy!!" groaned Natsu. "It's on a freaking island!" "Sorry Natsu" apologized Erza. "Let's just get this over with...arrrrrgh" they all piled into the boat and immediately as it started moving Natsu had his head hanging over the side. "

Ohh man, hmmph" his face had gone green as he was holding a hand over his mouth groaning. "Sorry Natsu" said Lucy and Happy sincerely. "It's alright, it's for a good, oh man" he lurched over the side and out came the puke. Lucy and Happy both rubbed his back up and down. 

"Man, aren't you spoiled" humored Gray. "blahhh, shut up ice breath" " Ha, you couldn't hit me right now if you tried man" said Gray. Lucy shot Gray a look to not encourage him shutting Gray's words down quick. "We're almost there guys" announced Erza. "Thank goodness" said Lucy.

Meanwhile, the bird had come to a castle surrounded by lightning and darkness. The bird flew in and dropped a terrified Nashi into a cage and shut the lid. " Well done my pet" cooed a female voice. The bird flew and landed on a perch near a chair where a lady sat. 

 She had jet black hair, pure green eyes, light skin and wore a black dress. "What do you want!" Nashi yelled. The woman got up and slowly walked over to the cage. "well aren't you a feisty one" she said smoothly. " makes sense given whose daughter you are" Nashi pulled at the cage bars trying to break them free. "Struggle all you want; you're not getting out of there little one"  "Who are you?" Nashi asked. 

"My name is Lilyanna, I am a sorceress of the dark. "daddy" she squeaked trembling. " Don't worry, he'll be here soon" Lilyanna responded hearing her cry. Nashi's eyes turned hopeful for a second until she saw the sinister smile on the woman's face. " It's your father I'm after" said Lilyanna. "Why!" Nashi yelled. " I knew kidnapping you was the only way to get him here so you were perfect bait..and when he get's here, he'll be all mine" 

"NEVER!" she screamed. "My daddy would never join you" " He will once this goes into his system" she pointed to an arrow. " What is that!" Nashi snapped. "oh you'll see when he get's here now do me a favor little brat and scream for me, hahahahaha" "AHHHHHHHHHHH"

"OHHHH YEAH, NICE TO BE ON LAND!" Natsu exclaimed happily. "Let's move, I know she's close" said Natsu once everyone got on land. He took off running and everyone followed behind. It didn't take them long to reach the castle once they saw the lightning. " What on earth?" said Erza puzzled. " the sky is clear though" noticed Lucy as she looked up and then ahead at where the castle was. " Must be some sort of spell or something" said Happy. 

" Yeah but it's gotta take an awful lot of magic to keep up that" said Lucy. " It doesn't matter, she's in there so let's move it!" ordered Natsu as he got them to stop wondering and got back to moving. They ran straight for the doors and charged right through them. "Woooah,pleeease tell me you guys feel that" Lucy said feeling very nervous. 

" Whoever this person is, they've got a massive amount of magic power, so watch it guys" cautioned Gray as they stepped forward lightly. "She's behind that door!" Natsu slammed open the door revealing the center of the castle with a throne right in the middle of it. 

Natsu and Lucy's eyes widened quickly seeing the cage and ran over. "NASHI!" they both screamed putting their faces right into the bars. "Mmmmommy, daddy!" she squeaked. A great big red mark was on her cheek making Lucy and Natsu mad. "Nashi, turn around now" said Natsu in a low voice. She slowly turned showing her back making Lucy gasp.

 Red scratches were up and down her back. " I knew I smelled something; it wasn't just that mark on her face Now they pissed me off" growled Natsu. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!" he hollered. "daddy, you need to go" cried Nashi. Getting his attention, he answered "What?, no, I'm not going anywhere". " Daddy, she's after you!!" Immediately Lucy, Erza , Gray and Happy felt themselves being lifted and rushed right into a wall where handcuffs all grabbed them leaving Natsu by himself. "LUCY!, GUYS" yelled out Natsu. "It's about time you got here" Natsu turned furious and saw Lilyanna walk out with a smirk on her face. 

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