Chapter 9

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    " Ahhhhh, you know..this won't ssttop them, they are going to come after you" said Natsu, his cries of pain starting to lessen as he looked at himself terrified. Most of his body had now broken out into scales of purple and black. His feet were now dragon claws. 

 " Ha, it doesn't matter, as soon as they get back to Fiore, they won't even remember how to get here. Natsu's eyes grew wide eyed in hearing that. "Oh did you think they would find a way to save you" she laughed. He looked down and answered "no" sadly. " It wouldn't matter either way, I told you there is no saving you once you've been taken over which should be any minute and when you do, you won't give a care in the world about them, if anything, you'll think about how to kill them" she said manically. 

 Using every last bit of his control that he had left, he flooded his mind with memories of Lucy, Nashi , the guild and his team. Everything that they had shared. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he howled as darkness completely took him over. Pitch black wings erupted from his body as his eyes shifted to completely black and his fangs got bigger. " Rise my dragon of darkness" Lilyana ordered proudly. Natsu rose up slowly onto his feet and smiled a vicious cold smile.

Erza and Gray had managed to drag a thrashing Lucy back towards the shore line where they finally released her arms. "WE HAVE TO GO BACK NOW!!!!"she hollered. 

" HE NEEDS US AND YOU GUYS JUST LEFT HIM!!, YOU DIDN'T EVEN GIVE ME A CHANCE, I COULD HAVE HELPED HIM OR DONE SOMETHING" she screamed as she attempted to run back but got stopped by a wall of ice. "HOW DARE YOU, GRAY PUT THIS DOWN NOW" " LUCY ENOUGH!" Gray snapped loudly at her shocking everyone, her included. 

He had never snapped or yelled at her ,not once. In a rough voice but not yelling he said " you can hate us all you want Lucy, or be angry, you have a right to be but god damn it Lucy, you think we wanted to do this, you think this is easy on us, he begged us to get you out. You and that child!" he said pointing to Nashi "You two are everything to him and before we got you out ,he shouted something to me and Erza.


Gray and Erza dragging her out when Natsu shouted "GRAY, ERZA, DO NOT LET HER COME BACK HERE!, NO MATTER WHAT!!, DO YOU HEAR ME!" they nodded their heads sadly as they continued to drag her. (end flashback)

Lucy was stunned at hearing Gray say that. " He didn't want you hurt Lucy. He came up to her slowly with his hands out. "NO, NO NO,HE WOULDN'T JUST GIVE UP LIKE THAT, YOUR WRONG!!," He pulled her to him as she was screaming pounding her fists onto his chest. 

"HE TOLD ME HE WOULD NEVER GIVE UP ON ME. HE...WAHHHHHH" sobbing hysterically, he brought them both down to the ground while she threw her hands around his neck. "I'm sorry Lucy" he said grimly. Realizing, she unhooked her arms and knelt away from Gray and held her hands out and in a mourning broken voice cried "Happy" 

He immediately ran to her arms and jumped right in them crying on her shoulder. Nashi had come over too and snuck under one of her arms and cried there. Gray walked over to Erza and sat down. All he did was a put a hand on her leg and that was enough as she herself started to cry. It killed Gray seeing everyone like this . 

Lucy had been put through the ringer enough times and hated more then anything this happened to her. Erza never cried which made it all the harder for Gray to be able to be alright with what they just did. He just a put a hand on her back and let her cry. " Did we even do the right thing?" she asked him. " we just left him there..." " Natsu wanted us to protect Lucy and Nashi, it was all we could do" he answered honestly. 

" What, what are we going to do now Lucy" Happy asked tearful. " I don't...have an answer for that Happy" she answered depressingly. She squeezed him tighter as he put his head back down onto her shoulder.

"We need to get out of here guys" said Gray dryly. Lucy looked at him like she was about to protest against it but her thoughts shifted away from that as her face just turned gloomy and stayed there. " Come on Nashi" she said quietly as she pulled her to her feet. 

 They all very silently walked back to the boat and rowed away from the island. Lucy looked out at the island as they were rowing. " I will find a way to get you back" she thought to herself motivated . They had just gotten off the boat and were about to start walking back when they saw a dark shape come blasting out of the woods. 

" What is that?" asked Happy as they all tried to look. They saw it shift and come speeding toward them. "It can't be!" thought Erza horrified at what she saw. Dropping down in front of them was none other then Natsu. He looked completely different now. The only thing that hadn't shifted was his hair. Everything else was covered in scales including his entire face. 

There wasn't a speck of white left in his eyes. Lucy was frightened at what she saw as he opened his mouth into a wide grin. All his teeth had been turned into sharp fangs. " Where do you think your going" he said in a voice that was almost completely unrecognizable to them. 

Shaking completely, Nashi squatted down covering her eyes while Lucy stood protectively in front of her. She was scared beyond belief, but she was going to protect their daughter, even if it was against Nashi's father. 

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